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The Unpredictable Nature Of The Populated Mods


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I'm truly fond of the various mods that provide populated roads, dungeons, etc. Serious Kudos to the creators who spent the time and effort. The results of those mods tend to be rather unpredictable, producing a fair amount of variety for the game. Frex, I'd just come down from the training run up to High Hrothgar. The Cultists were nowhere to be found. I went on up into Ivarstead on the alert for an ambush. and heard fighting under the bridge. On investigation I found a group of area militia and guards tangling with the Cultists. They'd already taken out one and were working on the other who was out in deep water trying for a get away. Interesting dialog also. I had my bow out and was drawing a bead when he went down. That was a total first for me. Adds a sort of reality to the game. Great fun. Once again, thanks for the mods.

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