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The interior needs to be navmeshed and the exterior needs to be finalized atleast so the green tri is under the door.



"The interior needs to be navmeshed" that makes sence.



Not sure what you mean by this. "exterior needs to be finalized atleast so the green tri is under the door." Just finalise the dungeon in the CK, thats it?

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Actually both the interior AND the exterior need to be finalized, the option is on the menu bar across the top Navmesh/Finalize. This should be the last thing you do with your navmesh, or if you change it later then be sure to finalise it again.

You will know whether the interior/exterior link worked because one of the triangles near the door (actually the one under the teleport marker) will change from red to green, indicating it is a transition point (same as the green bars along the edges of exterior cells)

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Actually both the interior AND the exterior need to be finalized, the option is on the menu bar across the top Navmesh/Finalize. This should be the last thing you do with your navmesh, or if you change it later then be sure to finalise it again.

You will know whether the interior/exterior link worked because one of the triangles near the door (actually the one under the teleport marker) will change from red to green, indicating it is a transition point (same as the green bars along the edges of exterior cells)



I can get the green triangle on the interior but not the exterior. Am I using finalize worldspace?

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Actually both the interior AND the exterior need to be finalized, the option is on the menu bar across the top Navmesh/Finalize. This should be the last thing you do with your navmesh, or if you change it later then be sure to finalise it again.

You will know whether the interior/exterior link worked because one of the triangles near the door (actually the one under the teleport marker) will change from red to green, indicating it is a transition point (same as the green bars along the edges of exterior cells)



I can get the green triangle on the interior but not the exterior. Am I using finalize worldspace?


no you don;t finalize worldspace, that does the whole worldspace (I think, never needed it). Anyways make sure your triangles are in the appropriate place, underneath the door marker.

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Use the same oprion for exteriors as interiors "NavMesh/Finalize Cell NavMeshes".


Just make sure that your viewpoint is in the cell that you actually want to change. The best way to ensure this is to select an object in your exterior cell (out of Navmesh mode) and press "T" so you are looking straight down. Then enter Navmesh mode & Finalize Cell NavMeshes.

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Use the same oprion for exteriors as interiors "NavMesh/Finalize Cell NavMeshes".


Just make sure that your viewpoint is in the cell that you actually want to change. The best way to ensure this is to select an object in your exterior cell (out of Navmesh mode) and press "T" so you are looking straight down. Then enter Navmesh mode & Finalize Cell NavMeshes.



Good advise, Ill try that this evening, cheers.

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Ok, It works. The cell I was trying it in, my camera was hanging over the adjacent exterior cell. Hovering on the other side of the green bar. That's probably why it wasn't working yesterday. I'm glad you told me to center the camera over the exit correctly, the exit is litterally meters from another cell. Other problem, I finalized all the cells yesterday trying to resolve this issue on all the of my mods. Every cell now has an asterick on it. Meaning all the cells have been re finalized. Is this bad? Ive already saved and no longer have a backup that im aware of.
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