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Custom NightinGale Idea for Echo


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Alrighty Time for my Bad Grammar To amaze you.


Goal: To make a sexy Nightgale armor for Females that fills in for items with Nightengale texture.


The armor should be Chest, Gloves and Boots.


Helmet is Just User Downloads(Your stuck with the Hair, Its Awesome Dont Complain, But you can change the Hairs Colors) My link




The Main Base of the Chest, Gloves and Boots would be My link


The Shirt Less Version of Deep Black.



The Shirt Less Version removes the white Under Shirt, but also because the Shirtless Triss doesnt remove that white shoulder piece make it remove that aswel.

The Base Colors for the armor would need to match Default NightinGale Colors(to beable to match the Ranger Hood Mod Well) Also if the Colar of the Armor was Smaller(less rised up) that would be Nice


A thought for the glove/wrist/forarm type area on the Left Arm would be to put on a holder (like the potions on the Left Leg) that has a few LockPicks in it. Also Changing one of the Potions Viles on the Leg to Green inside so there is a Health, Mana and Stamina Potions and also Change it to Right Leg IF the lock Picks are put on the left arm(To help balance Look of Armor)


The Right Arms Red Bandana Can Stay I think it will add contrast with a flare of color.


Using My link


The Base Texture for the Legging Pants and the Bottom Shirt Should be http://static.skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/images/10277-2-1329591886.jpg


By Copying Over the Nice Leather Looking Shirt(Not the Chain Mail Over Shoulder) And Leather of the Pants, They will have a nice leather look.(Then recolor then to fit NightinGale Colors)


The Shirt Would be Nice to have Open Like this mod Could us the Shirt: My link




I think it will make it much more Feminine Look for the Chest (Most likely not White Color for the Shirt Maybe a Worn Deep Purple, But also Make it come to an End Before the Pants, like your Thieves Guild Armor, but end the Shirt Before the Over Shirt Ends)


Also as a Side Note Idea, This Mod My link


Has a nice NightinGale Necklace IF possible could you add it to the set? no Idea if you can just rip that kinda stuff out of something that large :P




So thats my Idea, No clue if its to Advanced/Wild or even will work but hay i thought it would Look Nice and I feel Only Echo can pull this off. Will be Linking this Idea to him.

Edited by Laup26
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