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How do i create a new perk tree


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Hello all,

This is my fisrt time posting, (my sincear apologies if i posted this in the wrong place but it seemed appropiate to me.)

I've had a fantasic idea for a mod i wish to create and i have'nt got a clue where to begin. I'm litraly a virgin modder. XD

In heinsight my idea is thus. I want to start a druid perks tree useing the existing alteraion tree with a skill "branch" for makeing general wildlife and potentualy spriggans, giants and trolls etc neutral and possibly allys.

As well as a "branch" with a few skills to improve some of the warewolf bonus stats and eventualy take away some of the disadvanteges.

I have a "skill map" with names, what they do and what level they can be attained at. I belive it should be balanced without breaking the game. but i'll only know though testing.

If anyone wants me to share my map, i will gladly.

Thanks so much for everything! The modders in this community have given me so much inspiration and, (to speak for myself) have totaly transformed skyrim from a fantastic game to a magnifisant one. Thank you all. :D ^^

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Thanks so much for that!

I think i've found what i need to make a start, but i have one more request.

I was thinking of adding a new skill called Druid to accomodate the tree, which increases with the time spent in warewolf form.

Is this possible to do? and if so how would i go about it?

Thanks again for the help. ^^

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Just glad to help in my small way :)


As for your next request, I know that it is possible to increase the werewolf form duration, but I'm afraid I don't know how to as that is in the realm of scripting.


My guess is that changes needed to be done under the Object Window -> Magic -> Magic Effects -> WerewolfChangeEffect and somehow alter the WerewolfChangeEffectScript to increase the duration, but I'm not sure about this.


Real sorry, I hope someone else can help you out here.

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