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SE Lighting like Oldrim Lighting


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I am trying to get SE to look exactly like Oldrim. So far, I have found a very helpful mod by Rombbb, No More Mario Sky, which gives SE the Oldrim color palette. Then in the SE settings I disabled volumetric lighting and god rays and in-game disabled dof.


I thought with all that I would be done, but when I started playing SE I noticed that there was something off - the lighting. Light sources are significantly less... bright. I am not sure how to technically describe this. There is less glare, reflection, brightness. This is particularly noticeable when looking at the sun - which now looks like a bright moon.




As compared to the vanilla Oldrim sun:




Given my objective, what would you all suggest I try to do in order to get light sources to be more reflective, and for there to be a "eye adjustment" effect? You know, when you look at something bright and your eyes adjust. I notice this greatly in Oldrim, but not in SE.

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That new sun does look nice in the screenshots of that linked mod, but it requires the use of an ENB, which is something OP might not be interested in. The required/recommended ENB in particular aims to give the game a pink vibe, from the looks of things, but OP is looking to return the game to a vanilla Oldrim look in terms of color palette.

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It's simply a texture. Technically, it doesn't require anything. It may be designed with a certain ENB or ENB in general in mind, but that shouldn't prevent you from trying it - or another sun replacer. I've installed Matso's sun as my defrault sun texture and use it with different ENB and/or Reshade settings. No problem at all.

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That's true that you can load your game up using this mod without an ENB, but it won't end up looking as bright as in the screenshots. That's what they mean when they made the ENB a soft "requirement". When you use that sun texture without an ENB, it doesn't address the kind of thing OP mentions- I've tested it myself. It doesn't make the disc of the sun itself any more intense on its own, though it does add a sort of effect around the outside of the dim-looking, "moon-like" sun.

Edited by kadaj29
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  • 2 weeks later...

The lack of brightness in the sun was just an example. It seems that, in general, all light sources and textures lack this sort of "reflectivness" or "shininess" that surfaces in Oldrim have.


So sure, I could replace the sun, but then there are a million other surfaces that I would have to change. I am thinking there is some sort of universal property that can be adjusted. I just don't know what that is. If the sun is just a texture, then can it be confirmed that SE uses a different sun texture than Oldrim? Because if they do in fact use the same texture, then there is evidence that some other setting is responsible for the shininess.


I tried looking around and I think what I am talking about it called the "specularity" of a texture. Though I could be wrong.

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