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Overall review and thoughts on Vortex


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So far I've found Vortex really nice. The UI is wonderful, the setup is well thought out and the overall feel is different from NMM in a good way.


A problem I had at first was I couldn't find the import NMM setting(failure of noticing it on my part) but once I did I tried importing it and found the list blank. I have no idea why but that is now fixed because I tried again and they showed up. I'm now currently importing and have found that it would be nice to have a second bar to show the progress of the import for the item in question along with the progress of the overall import. My first mod that was being imported was a big mod and it looked like nothing was happening so it gave me some concern until it moved on.


After hearing about Vortex and enjoying MO I was very excited to see how it turned out and so far it's great. I'll be updating this once I get past the import phase and setup a few profiles.

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