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[LE] Custom Mod Quest Dialog Inconsistencies


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Hello! I am a new Skyrim modder currently working with custom dialog and NPCs. I am having a few issues that are reoccurring and don't seem to be consistent enough to pin down.


1. The grey face bug. I run the official fix and it sometimes works and other times doesn't. It also can revert and I have to run the fix again.


2. I am trying to figure out how to run a multi instance of an NPC because the mod I am creating consists of trials and this NPC would be like an announcer or guide that needs to be present in each system.(No backtracking, I have ideas for how this can be achieved, so no worries.)


3. The dialog quest I made worked, however I moved the NPC to a different map and the quest stopped working, and moving him back doesn't fix it either.


Can anyone explain why these things are happening, and do you guys have any advice on how to deal with this buggy creation kit?

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The dark face bug appears always if you change something under the CharacterGenParts tab or the CharacterGen Morph tab in the ck. But there are also other reasons, why this happens: I'm using ECE for character creation. If I forget to load the CharacterMakingExtender.esp and the EnhancedCharacterEdit.esp together with my own esp in the ck, it's enough to just open these actor tabs for getting the dark face bug ingame. It's because the npcface is stored in slot 32 in ECE and that doesn't exist in vanilla game. So the ck loads the vanilla faceparts and ingame and stores it automatically when you open these tabs- that's pretty annoying. You need everytime to export the face again with ctrl+F4 and after that merge the face again with the original ECE file stored in SKSE.

I don't know how it works with racemenu.


I have no idea how you have setup your quest, but if it runs in Skyrim as intended and stops working on a new land it's mostly because of conditions or the Story Manager. If the new land has not the right keywords attached to it - for regions, playerhomes, inns or clearable locations and you have set these conditions as dialogue conditions, it will not work. But it should work again, if you come back to Skyrim. For better help, please give some more information how you did the quest.

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