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A mod to disable Arvak's Time Out


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Trying to use Arvak with one of the cart mods revealed a problem. Arvak "Times Out" and will disappear after a time when not being ridden. Normally this is a problem as you summon Arvak and Ride it. Problem is when pulling a cart Arvak does not have a rider and will constantly time out and disappear.


I am looking for a mod that changes Arvak's behavior to function as like a regular horse so that he will not automatically time out and despawn unless manually unsummoned (mechanic to do this to be implemented however)

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Thanks Ill try it out!



Works perfectly but further testing with the cart mod reveals another problem in that arvak will keep following you indefinitely and seems to ignore the wait commands from Convienant Horses. (Also tried Immersive horses same issue)

Any way to tweak it so following is disabled?

Edited by mikeloeven
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Maybe you should try and disable Arvak Infinite and see if the horse still ignored your wait command from convenient horses. Arvak on the other hand, just like any conjure creature, will following you around. unless it's a non-conjurable normal horse (shadowmere, frost etc.)

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Is there a mod that makes arvak not just a permanent summon but also uses the AI package of a "Normal Horse" The main issue is that with the constant follow issue I still cant use it with the cart mod. I tried convenient horses and immersive horses separately with Arvak infinite above them in the load order and with the mod disabled. the following issue does not seem to be related to the mods but rather arvak's base AI and that both of the aformentioned horse mods treat arvak differently by default

Edited by mikeloeven
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