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new player after recommendations


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Basically I got the SE version off steam after wanting to play the game again. The only mod I have so far is the USSEP patch, and I wanted to know what mods few mods people would recommend that wouldn't clash with it and would improve the general overall appearance? There seems to be so many, it's a bit confusing. I would like general textures to improve the look, but I wouldn't mind some that increase NPC'S or villages and side quests etc. General fill the game out more.





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well , if you want what is probably the best natural expansion to Skyrim , you should really get Interesting NPCs (or 3D NPCs , these are two names of the same mod)

now , the SE mod page is currently set to hidden , but you can download the mod via the project's site (just google Skyrim 3dnpcs , you will easily find it)

and you should refer to the LE page for any more information you may need (like requirements and such) , as that page isn't set to hidden now


for improved appearance mods , you should explore the Models & Textures category https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/categories/29/

browse by most endorsed , and you should have a handful of amazing mods to improve the look of your game (I always used SMIM & Ruins Clutter Improved , and also highly recommend LeanWolf's Better Shaped Weapons , for when you want weapons that don't look like paddles and oars)

there are hundreds of these mods , and many are incredible , so it would be very difficult to suggest every single one you should use (and there is of course the subject of taste , so something I find amazing may not be as appealing to you)

you should probably use one male and one female body mod (choose one you feel comfortable with , and with the options you wish to use , like a non nude version or whatever you wish) , or choose the best body mod due to the armor mods you wish to use (as these are usually set to a specific body , so you should use the compatible body for these mods)


as for quests , there are an insane amount of amazing quest mods , and these are actually spread around several mod categories (quests , locations , new lands , guilds , there really are a lot of mods to comb through)

and again , it's really a matter of taste , so it would be really hard to recommend even a select few (especially since I haven't even played some of the most popular ones out)


anything beyond this (like overhauls and such) should be really up to your specific wishes with the game , so if you want more specific recommendations , please explain in more detail what you are looking for (again , there is such a huge variety of mods , and there is usually something for everyone)

there is of course another course you could take , which is searching for existing mod lists (like https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/10680/ )

you may not like everything in these , and these may not be brand new , but these should at least give you a good general direction , as well as basic information on modding know how (I assume this is your first time modding , so there is a bit of a knowledge gap you should bridge , to prevent issues with the game)


hope this overly long answer helps at least a bit

and feel free to ask any question you like

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In addition to the good advice by WasteLandAssassin just another guide, which is written in a somewhat more "step by step" style: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2846


For the beginning, I'd recommend installing not too many mods.

Get an overall texture replacer you like - either "Noble Skyrim" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/45807) or "Skyrim Textures 2017" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2347. Attention: "Noble Skyrim" must be downloaded manually and installed via a mod manager (Nexus Mod Manager or Mod Organizer). The SE version is hosted on the classical Skyrim Nexus.


In addition to that, get "Skyrim Flora Overhaul" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2154) and "Verdant" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2296)

For the water, use "Realistic Water Two" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2182) together with these two "fixes": LOD fix (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/9249) and a texture seam fix for some locations (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/13963). Put "Realistic Water Two" in your load order below/after any other landscape or house mods.


With this basic setup, you will already improve the visual experience of your Skyrim a lot.


I'd recommend also using a weather mod and a lighting mod. For weathers, you have several options. IMHO the best are "Vivid Weathers" (the title says it all) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2187 and "Dolomite weathers" (more "ethereal", less saturated) https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7895. Choose only one. Now add a Lighting mod. For dramatic, somewhat cinematic lighting use ELFX (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/2424), if you want more subtle improvements, choose "ELE" (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/1377).


Last step for this very basic, yet effective setup would be installing an ENB. For the beginning, I'd recommend "RUDY ENB" https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/4796 . It's a very good overall visual improvement, not too saturated, nothing too extreme, just a beautifull Skyrim. Besides that, you'll find detailed instructions regarding installation on the mod's page.


Now play a bit, enjoy the scenery -and plan on what to install next...


Good luck on your travels through Skyrim!

Edited by Algabar
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After USSEP I recommend at least:


And for Immersive behavior:

Just to start. As you're starting off, try to avoid mods like SkyBirds, Footprints, and PC Head Tracking until you have tested a verified that your game is stable. These mods are very script heavy.

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Quests and companions are what really makes the game fun.


Try out these quests:


Interesting NPCs - found at 3DNPC.com for Skyrim SE

Qaxe's Questorium

Outlaws and Revolutionaries

Beyond Skyrim - Bruma


Try these companions:


Inigo - meant to go together with the Vilja mod


M'rissi's Tails of Troubles

Auri - from the Song of the Green mod. This one has a crossover with Interesting NPCs


As far as making the game look better, many of those mods are listed above in other posts. Noble Skyrim still holds up after many years, as does SMIM. The ladies benefit from CBBE or UPN bodies. The Bijin collection really improves the looks of many game players. Sexy Solitude still works from Oldrim and really has no equal.


Make sure you sort all these mods with LOOT.

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I am brand spanking new to the hold mod thing. I have played Skyrim for a few years now and started playing Special Addition recently. Is there a place on The Nexus I can go for someone who has NEVER used these Mods before? There are a lot of really cool things on here, but today is my first day on this sight. Any recommendations on Mods and where to go to get started would be great. A tutorial maybe?


Thanks in advance,


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@Yellowbus3: Welcome to Skyrim modding!

In this thread, there are already some good proposals which mods to install for the beginning.So there you got your "recommendations on mods". ;-)


To get started with modding, you will however need some basic knowledge about how to get and install mods.

Here is a video introduction to the "Nexus Mod Manager", a tool I's still recommend for a beginner. In fact, I'm still using it today.


There is also a good series of modding tutorials by "dirty weasel". It starts with rather basic stuff, but the later episodes also cover more advanced topics. Always a good starting point. Check out the first one here:


If you prefer a written tutorial, you could have a look at the introductory chaperst of the already mentioned SEPTIM guide:


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