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Paired animations (custom kill move)


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I am stuck with trying to get my custom paired animation / killmove to work but haven't found any tutorial, article or forum post regarding this. Thus far I have only managed to get the "lead" i.e. the attacker's animation to play using Actor.PlayIdleWithTarget() and setting the attacker's animation up in the Idle Animations window. Now it is using the anim event "dyn_Activation" as I have no idea what those mean and I could find very little information about the animation events either.


I have also set up the annotations in 3ds max when animating, although I'm not entirely sure what those annotations that I have set up even mean (e.g. HitFrame or EarlyExit).

I'll attach some screenshots to demostrate what I've tried to do in CK.


If you have any suggestions please help me out. Thanks in advance.

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Why would you flag both of them as "Ghost Actor"? You know, they are unable to recieve Hit events that way, right? Also, it's not a mistake, but still... Why? Do you really need to appeal to your master quest script here? You're not calling any functions from it.




Wiggy.GetActorReference().PlayIdleWithTarget(KillPaired, f*#@y.GetActorReference())


is enough. Try to test it with any other paired animation first (pa_ prefix in CK). If they run okay, then it should be a problem with your custom animation file.

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Why would you flag both of them as "Ghost Actor"? You know, they are unable to recieve Hit events that way, right? Also, it's not a mistake, but still... Why? Do you really need to appeal to your master quest script here? You're not calling any functions from it.



Wiggy.GetActorReference().PlayIdleWithTarget(KillPaired, f*#@y.GetActorReference())

is enough. Try to test it with any other paired animation first (pa_ prefix in CK). If they run okay, then it should be a problem with your custom animation file.


Thanks for replying. Apparently I cannot even get vanilla paired animations to work properly using the code above or by using the code used in the Goodneighbor entrance scene where Hancock stabs Finn. What I also can't figure out is how to get my own paired anim to play synced, as in both the attacker's and the victim's animation playing. Some time ago I managed to get the attacker's animation to play but he did it only by himself with no target.


In the Idles WIndow, I checked how PairedKillGoodneighbor was implemented and it had no animation file specified, only some anim event called pa_PairedKillMoveGoodNeighborAttacker01. So does the victim's animation get somehow played implicitly, maybe through the anim event? What I don't get is that how can CK know where to look for the victim's animation file if it is only given the attacker's animation?

Edited by fubla
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Not sure about the pair/kill moves animations but for "Idle Animations", you add your animation file under "LOOSE" and you can use script to trigger those animations ...

Yes, I had put my animation under LOOSE inside RaiderRootBehavior, as were many of the vanilla kill moves.

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I haven't done it on 2 NPC or even look at those pair animation files. But so far only did it on a single NPC and make him/her does other things. Example replace floor sweeping with other action. There is some info on pair/multi character animation by ShadeAnimator. Did you check out the document?

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Yes, I followed the instructions there. The part on multi-character animation sounded interesting, but it was quite brief and not very clear. Do I need to have this "SexTec" that was briefly mentioned to make this work? I could not understand at all how to actually export those animations to Fallout and how to use them and synchronize them for multiple characters.

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Out of curiosity I tried to play Paired Goodneibhor kill with the similar script. Seemed to work for me. Though it's hard to be sure, I was forced in the first person view and barely could see anything but my target fell down in front of me screaming something like 'something is broken'. So I think it worked. Just a note that many animations have conditions . They can be set for the animation record or some parent node. Such animations will not work unless all the conditions are fulfilled.

Edited by kitcat81
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Okay, do you mean parent as in the behaviour subgraphs or in the Idles Window structures? 'Cause I haven't touched the subgraphs at all as I don't know their role in this kind of animations.

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Okay, do you mean parent as in the behaviour subgraphs or in the Idles Window structures? 'Cause I haven't touched the subgraphs at all as I don't know their role in this kind of animations.


In idles. There is a structure there with folders and nodes. Conditions can be set on almost any part of the structure. You need to check the branch that containes the idle you want to play. Also sometimes you need to have weapons out in order to it to play properly or to stay enough close to the target.

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