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Issue with dialogues for a mod created with CK (Fallout 4)


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Hi everyone!!


I'm facing a issue with a mod in CK for fallout 4. I created a Quest with dialogues for a custom NPC and everything is working fine with this NPC. The problem is: I can not talk to any other NPC in the game (except followers).
Some considerations:
- I tried using getID and getAliasRef for every phase in the sequences.
- Everything work fine in the dialogue with the custom NPC.
- I can talk with the followers
- I can talk with the NPCs when they have something special, like (I'm new here in this settlement, could you help you with something...)
- I can't talk with any normal NPC like (Settlements, the principal NPC in sactuary and so on)
- Disabling the mod, the game works perfectly.
I treid deleting the sequence, then I tried deleting the quest but the problem continues.
I don't know if this is a issue with CK or I'm doing something wrong.
Do you know what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance.
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  On 2/1/2018 at 12:59 AM, Anathorn said:


Hi everyone!!


I'm facing a issue with a mod in CK for fallout 4. I created a Quest with dialogues for a custom NPC and everything is working fine with this NPC. The problem is: I can not talk to any other NPC in the game (except followers).
Some considerations:
- I tried using getID and getAliasRef for every phase in the sequences.
- Everything work fine in the dialogue with the custom NPC.
- I can talk with the followers
- I can talk with the NPCs when they have something special, like (I'm new here in this settlement, could you help you with something...)
- I can't talk with any normal NPC like (Settlements, the principal NPC in sactuary and so on)
- Disabling the mod, the game works perfectly.
I treid deleting the sequence, then I tried deleting the quest but the problem continues.
I don't know if this is a issue with CK or I'm doing something wrong.
Do you know what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance.


Sounds to me like the dialogue is constantly in a ready state and the condition might not be set properly. But need more info to be certain.


Would help to know how this quest is started and stopped.

Is the dialogue set to ONE specific reference alias using condition GetIsAliasRef and pointing at the reference on the quest?

In the dialogue, is the selected actor for the player dialogue set to this alias ref?


Dialogue is tricky. Tell you what, show me screenshots of your reference alias attached to the quest with the dialogue. Also include a screenshot of the actual dialogue screen and then show me the GREETING for the NPC in question (where you add conditions and set flags pertinent to the spoken dialogue).


With this, I may be able to narrow it down for you further.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 1:18 AM, joerqc said:


  On 2/1/2018 at 12:59 AM, Anathorn said:


Hi everyone!!


I'm facing a issue with a mod in CK for fallout 4. I created a Quest with dialogues for a custom NPC and everything is working fine with this NPC. The problem is: I can not talk to any other NPC in the game (except followers).
Some considerations:
- I tried using getID and getAliasRef for every phase in the sequences.
- Everything work fine in the dialogue with the custom NPC.
- I can talk with the followers
- I can talk with the NPCs when they have something special, like (I'm new here in this settlement, could you help you with something...)
- I can't talk with any normal NPC like (Settlements, the principal NPC in sactuary and so on)
- Disabling the mod, the game works perfectly.
I treid deleting the sequence, then I tried deleting the quest but the problem continues.
I don't know if this is a issue with CK or I'm doing something wrong.
Do you know what the problem could be?
Thanks in advance.


Sounds to me like the dialogue is constantly in a ready state and the condition might not be set properly. But need more info to be certain.


Would help to know how this quest is started and stopped.

Is the dialogue set to ONE specific reference alias using condition GetIsAliasRef and pointing at the reference on the quest?

In the dialogue, is the selected actor for the player dialogue set to this alias ref?


Dialogue is tricky. Tell you what, show me screenshots of your reference alias attached to the quest with the dialogue. Also include a screenshot of the actual dialogue screen and then show me the GREETING for the NPC in question (where you add conditions and set flags pertinent to the spoken dialogue).


With this, I may be able to narrow it down for you further.


I will recreate the quest in another .esp and then I will post the pictures of the configuration of the dialogs.


- In the previous I deleted everything, the sequence, the quest and the problem continued happening.

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These are the old configurations that I were using. Then I deleted the sequences and finally the quest (The problem continued occurring after this.)

This is a video with similar configurations (I always create the dialogs in this way).

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I am going to refernece your screenshots by their list order, ie:


  1. http://prntscr.com/i8gm0k
  2. http://prntscr.com/i8gmdk
  3. http://prntscr.com/i8gmi9
  4. http://prntscr.com/i8gmm8
  5. http://prntscr.com/i8gms2

#1: The checkbox for START SCENE ON END is not checked and it should be so that this greeting LEADS into the indicated PHASE.


#2: Same as above.


#3: This one is fine as it is the scene end.


#4 & #5 look okay too.


So my immediate thought it that the GREETING will not lead into the dialogue tree as the greeting doesnt know it has to.


But I have a question. In #1 and #2, the refalias as SPEAKER is set the same. Its like he/she says the greeting and then says the followup. Is this accurate?


Best way for me to get a feel for the whole scene is a screenshot of the entire layout. More to see if PLAYER DIALOGUE or just between NPCs.


In either case, do the checkbox first for Start Scene on End and let me know if that solved it for you...




Think of it in phases: 1 = greeting phase. It needs to lead to dialogue phase 01 upon conclusion of the lines spoken. So you need Start Scene on End for that one. Now in that screenshot, there are only two phases, greeting and dialogue. If there was a third phase, anything that would lead into it would need a Start Scene on end also. make sense? The dropdowns are fine, they need to be there for the leadin, but its the checkbox that makes the magic...


Example from my mod RSE:




Though you cannot see the GREETING, it does have start scene on end checked, which leads into player dialogue phase 01. Most NPC responses to player dialogue END the running scene, save for one. You can see it as it has a connector line running from it to PHASE2. THAT npc repsonse in PHASE1 also has Start Scene on End. It is an important little box to check when you want a particular speech line to lead into another phase. it should look like this for you when you transition from one phase to another.





Edited by joerqc
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But I have a question. In #1 and #2, the refalias as SPEAKER is set the same. Its like he/she says the greeting and then says the followup. Is this accurate?


#1 and #2 are different start of scenes.


I will try using the Start Scene On End


But I still having a question:


I deleted the secuences, the I deleted the entire quest. Why does the problem persist if there is no quest or dialogue?

Do I have to recompile something? or delete the .esp and then create it again?


Thanks in advance.

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If you deleted the scenes / quest, are you still testing on a save that had that quest in it? IE: It is best to have a clean save when you make changes like this as sometimes things stick in the save even though they are no longer necessarily in the esp anymore.

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  On 2/1/2018 at 11:12 PM, joerqc said:

If you deleted the scenes / quest, are you still testing on a save that had that quest in it? IE: It is best to have a clean save when you make changes like this as sometimes things stick in the save even though they are no longer necessarily in the esp anymore.


Hey bro, Finally I solved the problem using FO4Edit. (There was still an invisible topic despite having deleted the mission), so I deleted this topic and that solve the problem xd.


Thank you so much for the help. I will re-create the mod following your tips for the dialogues to avoid futere issues.

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