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Windhelm is crashing my game


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Hey guys so I have my last save game outside the town, im walking towards the town to give some axe to a dude and my game suddenly exits to desktop

I have tried vanilla install and still no luck :(

Edited by LordRouter
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This has happened to me before. Did you recently download any mods? If so, there's a few things you can do:

1. download boss and run it. It'll re-arrange your mods so they load correctly.

2. get rid of the one/s you just got. Some mods screw the game up

3. make sure all your mods are up to date. If they aren't, check to see if the author loaded any updates


When this happened to me, it was the mod Tytanis that was messin it up. Awesome mod but it's screwy. If you downloaded it, you're prolly gonna have to delete it.


If you didn't download any mods, there's only one thing I can think of.

Uninstall skyrim, then delete the skyrim folder in steam\steamapps\common. Then reinstall the game and the folder will be replaced. Then try to play again.

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