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Stardew Valley

Mod Request: Adoption mod for non-gay couples?


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I'm new to using nexus forums so idk if making mod suggestions without having any technical know-how to speak of is a faux pas or not, but there (oddly imo) doesnt seem to be a mod anywhere to let you have adoption as an option when its a girl - guy relationship? Honestly the thought of pregnancy terrifies the hell outta me and I'd like to think my farmer feels relatively the same way, but I'd still like to explore the Having a Kid parts of the game. just, yknow, without having to think of actually giving birth.

And honestly it'd just be a nice immersion thing, gay people aren't the only ones who adopt kids, so it would make sense to let everyone (also straight people arent the only ones to have biological kids when you really get down to it but that sounds like something I'd have a harder time requesting and honestly doesnt effect my game rn)

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