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Same Weapons in Favorite List Issue


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Hey All


I have been having this issue since I first started playing Skyrim. If I have two of the same weapon (I.E. No enhancements, default weapon name, same smithing level, etc..) in my favorites list it starts off showing both weapons in there which allows me to chose to dual wield quite easily. However, when I switch to a spell or something else in both hand and than go back to those weapons and select them in a hand one of the weapons disappears from the list and I have to go though the equipment menu to re-favorite it again. Is there a mod out there that fixes this issue? Has anyone else experienced this when dual wielding?


I can post a pictures if my description isn't helpful at describing what I am experiencing.

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This is a design flaw in Skyrim that everyone experiences.


I have not heard of a solution and fear that the defect is hard-coded into the game and cannot be fixed by modding.

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