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DA Mod Manager Error message - install fails. Help Please


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I just started trying to mod and have run into a major snag. DAO Mod Manager starts but gives the following error message:


error occurred while reading the Addins.xml

'RequiresAuthorization' is an unexpected token. Expecting white space. Line 4662, postion 153.

they want the file repair?


I select yes to repair file, and get the same message over again.

If I select NO - I get "DAO Modmanager will not work properly!" warning message,

Then DAO MM will start -

It worked ok for only one mod -- the Natural Bodies all in one mod. That was the very first mod I installed. NB is working fine. I can even go back in and change NB configs with no problems.


No other mods will work at all. they start then fail with an error message and log entries "can not write to Addins.xml" and a couple of others also related to this file. I cannpt find the file and probably couldn't fix it if I did

Note: DAUpdater also fails with the same error messages.



Basic Information:

Windows 7 64 bit, Dragon Age Origins Ultimate digital edition from Origin.



Mods that failed:

Phoenix Armory, Blade Dancer, and everything else from the TnT group I tried


Sorry, long.

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Couple of things to try:


1. Check all the paths that DAMM is using for the program files. It's the "Options" Tab, last one on the right. May be an invalid one there.


2. Make sure you're using the most recent version (1.9d) of DAMM. If not, get the latest and try that.

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OK, I fixed it.... but man was it a headache to find. The error message told me exactly what was wrong... I opened the correct xml file - finally found it -- loaded it into my html/xml editor, went to the line and position llisted, inserted one space where the editor showed the error. Saved, Exited.


total success. Too simple. I feel like an idiot.

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  • 1 year later...

so i have to download another piece of software just to fix this?


No idea what you're talking about.


What's your situation?

What mod are you trying to use?

What are your system specs?

What have you tried?

What was the result?

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@GreywardenGirl; You should probably start your own topic. Please include details about your situation, including what game version (UE, or not, and patch level) and the install mechanism you used. (It matters...)

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  • 1 year later...

@NidoLGB2; As with GreywardenGirl; you should probably start your own topic and provide the exact wording of any error message(s) you're seeing, along with the other details.

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