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workbench CTD


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You said you’ve reinstalled Armorsmith Extended, but have you tried reinstalling AWKCR? That’s generally the problem with CTD when using Concealed Armor. It installs a very outdated version of AWCKR that will cause CTD as you’re having. Reinstall AWKCR with the latest version, let it overwrite when prompted. That should resolve things.


Copy/pasta from the sticky on the AWCKR comments page that addresses this:


Check your plugins tab to verify you have the current version of AWKCR installed. What you're describing is what happens when you have overwritten ArmorKeywords.esm with an old version and are therefore missing used keywords, which causes a CTD when the game looks for them. Old versions of ArmorKeywords.esm are packed with both Concealed Armors and Crafting Workbenches, say no when asked if you want to overwrite Armorkeywords.esm when installing them.

Since you've already installed Concealed Armor, reinstall AWKCR and let it overwrite.

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