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NMM Showing Wrong Activated List


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So my Windows ran into a problem when it came to updating and I had to reinstall Windows. Even though my skyrim was on my HDD and not my boot SDD something happened and I had to reinstall skyrim which wiped all my mods, luckily I had a back up from a month or so back and havent added too many since then, but in NMM its still showing my old active list from before the reinstallation of Windows and its showing them all as not-activated even though the game runs with the mods from the backed up folder. Is it possible to make it so NMM sees the new load order of which mods are currently installed? I want to be able to remove the ones I no longer use and reinstall the ones that I added after I made the backup, but without seeing which ones are currently and not currently installed I can't do this. Any ideas?

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Reinstalling Skyrim actually does not wipe out your mods it merely removes the mods from Data in your Skyrim folder as you have deleted Data in uninstalling Skyrim. Those files in Skyrim/Data are merely pointers to where NMM keeps the mods you have downloaded and installed, which is C:/Games/Nexus Mod Manager/Skyrim by default.


I would go to the path I just mentioned and manually delete all of the mods in there and then add the mods you want to play with using the "add mod from file" function in NMM. You said you have a backup so I am assuming you have those mods in a separate folder.

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