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Looking for Expert Modder help! [Project VOM-Tc]


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Hello everyone! I wanted to ask a bit of help from an expert modder that can help me find out why my .esp file is not starting anymore! (Previously it was!).. I am more of a designer of worlds myself and that is why I am no good at fixing bugs I cant even seem to notice..


Please, I beg for your help because I spent like 200 hours making this whole new world (which is not finished yet)! If you don't believe this project is something serious that has no future, please, take a look at the screenshots over the posts on the MODTALK section (search for "Valley Of Mines" posts made by me) or head over to the FB page of the project! Im sure you'll like my work (even tho its not even 15% finished!) Tkx you in advance, yours, TDPrince and VOMTeam!

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No, not really! I can do anything I want INSIDE the CK, it saves it everytime I make a change so Inside the CK is good as anything, really! The problem goes when I try to load a "clean save" or even start a new game to try it out INGAME! If I load a clean-save it just crashes, If I start a new game it just block on the Imperial Dragon screen, it makes the sound of the nords screaming something like "YAAAAAH" and than it doesn't start a new game like it should! I am not finding the problem at all thats why i need help!
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Have you got previous versions that load, and remember the changes you made since then?


If you can say what you did to the mod since it was last working then it will give ppl a better chance to advise.

Then again, it could be a problem with your mod and something that changed in the latest patches.


Nords screaming? Is that something that should happen at some time in your mod, or is that you shouting at the screen?

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Hahaha! No, it's not me :)


You remember when you start a new game you hear something like the last part of the Skyrim main theme? Well, it makes that sound (as it should) but than it doesn't start at all! Yes, I have previous versions (like 70 .esps cause im f***in serious about this project) but I feel like I'll have to get back A LOT on the project! That's why IM trying to find someone who MIGHT be able to "cure" the problem without me having to start it all back! (lol)

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Tried the .esp N° 67! Named "ValleyofMines1NOCONCEPTS.esp" because it was the last .esp before I started making concepts that ARE NOT in the real gothic game (as add-one feature you see).


Now the problems could be in this places:


Ruined Church was added later

Mythical Forest was added later

New Camp furnishing and cluttering


The third one doesnt seem to be a real problem.. I dunno...


At least it has a "smaller" part of problems now XD Tkx Tuna

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