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request a mod so the dragonborn can open a shop


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been playing skyrim for about 200 hours now and love to open a shop or build one so i can sell stuff like swords, potions or even meat,

in this mod well request what i want the mod to do is:

DragonBorn is able to open a shop in the holds or build a shop somwere in skyrim,

hire people to run the shop if u go hunting or do quests,

people enter your shop and a new dialoge comes up with what the costmer whats to buy and how much

deisplay some of your items

theifs enter your shop to shoplift

hire body guards

run your own shop with what you want to sell

set your price for your items


this request is an idea i came up with since my invotry keeps getting full and the sell price for some of the item at certen shops are not good,

well since i like hunting monsters and stuff i like to run my own shop to sell there meat.

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