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Advice for how to make a completely unleveled world build


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This is not a mod request, instead I hope some nice folks will offer their opinions on how to use existing mods in combination to accomplish what I'm trying to do.


So I want to return to playing Oblivion and start a fresh build concept and I'm looking for some advice or pointers about how to make a completely unleveled world build suited to my taste. My end goal is that no matter how hard it is early on or easy it is late game, I want any creature or NPC to be able to spawn at a spawn point it is on the leveled list for, completely regardless of PC level. I want all creatures and NPCs to have a completely static level, or if that's not possible with existing mods, at least have them all have caps and not start from level 1 and scale forever with the PC. It would be nice if the higher the level of the creature/NPC the rarer it is throughout the game, and for rates and types of creatures to never change from PC level 1 and up.


I want the loot to be the same, completely impossible to tell where good loot will be (unless you know the mod of course, which I won't), seemingly totally random, you can find the best stuff in the game at level 1, or the worst at level 50, and for better loot to be extremely rare.


I am looking at Dynamic Leveled Lists, but it looks like it doesn't include items, only creatures. I figure I will definitely use that mod, but I'll need some pointers even after reading the guide on how to accomplish the completely unscaled settings I described above with it for creatures/NPCs. As for the items, I'm kind of at a loss as to how to do that myself since I just don't have the skill or patience to make my own item lists (I've tried in the past and man it is way too much work for me). My initial thoughts are to use TIE, as I love the non-PC centric nature of that mod, but I don't like the NPC/creature stats in it, many of them are WAY too high for my taste, especially sneak and speed stats. I also really like the monsters from Frans and MMM. So, I'm not sure how I can get TIE's item lists to govern items, but not have any of what it's done to creatures and NPC stats, just what Frans and MMM have done to the stats, but apply the non-scaling settings with DLL. I'm assuming this would be Wrye Bash, but I don't know what patches/filters or whatever I could use to make that happen.


Any advice on how to make this work or completely different ideas on how to accomplish a totally unscaled world would be awesome.

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