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Best graphic mods available to date?


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Hey all. I'm just looking to get back into Skyrim again, but always detested some (or a lot) of the textures, especially clothing, the ground grass and, well, just on plenty of objects in general. I know it takes a while to compile a huge texture overhaul, but what are the best mods out there available yet for graphics, textures, etc?


Thanks in advance.

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I am currently just running the official HD texturs pack with these three:


'Ultra Realistic World Lighting'

WATER-Water and Terrain Enhancement

Static Mesh Improvement Mod

and the official HD texture pack.


It looks fairly good but I can't use ENB with my crossfire cards or my screen turns into an epilepsy machine (non stop flickering like it does with any game+enb). I may switch back to the Serious HD Retexture Skyim Pack eventually as that was my favorite texture pack out there. I think it maintains the same graphical look but is much crisper. If you decide to use the official HD texture pack available on steam you will need the fix (found here)

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The Serious HD is my favourite (the ground textures looked like photo-realistic crisp versions of vanilla Skyrim textures) . The Skyrim HD one is also good but I didn't like the way the cobblestone/rock looked in it. Just my preference though. Take a look at the screenshots and see which one you like more :happy: .
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