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Simple script for Looks Menu CBBE slide (Help me please)


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Hello everyone, I am trying to write a script to change my custom CBBE slider for Looks Menu when character eat any food, but I have a problem:

Scriptname SSBBW extends Quest

MagicEffect Property MagicEffectFood Auto Const

Keyword property LoL auto

Event OnMagicEffectApply(ObjectReference akTarget, ObjectReference akCaster, MagicEffect akEffect)
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
Self.RegisterForMagicEffectApplyEvent(Player as ScriptObject, None, None, True)
If (akEffect == MagicEffectFood)
Self.SsbbwSetBody(0 as float, 0.5)

float Function SsbbwSetBody(float akOperation, float akBelly)
Actor Player = Game.GetPlayer()
If (akOperation == 0 as float)
BodyGen.SetMorph(Player, true, "Giant belly (coldsteelj)", LoL, akBelly)
Debug.Notification("SSBBW Error: Function input doesn't equal 1")


Unfortunatelly I am getting this errors:

"SSBBW.psc(18,14): variable BodyGen is undefined
SSBBW.psc(18,22): none is not a known user-defined script type"
Can someone help me to understand how to fix it? I understand that BodyGen is undefined in my script since it is a part of "Looks Menu" scripts, but how do I link my script so that it uses the functions of "Looks Menu" mod scripts?

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