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Body preference


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I noticed a lot of armors made specifically for the UNP body, and a lot of armors for the CBBE body. I also noticed a few for both. I am at a bit of a stand off thought. I LOVE the way the CBBE body looks compared to the UNP (just a preference), but I think the UNP body has a larger variety of armor selections. I am now contemplating making the switch to UNP from CBBE. What body mesh do you use? Why? and do you recommend I switch or stay?
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I have both installed, I switch once in a while. It just depends on what I want to be using on the character for the time.
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I have both installed, I switch once in a while. It just depends on what I want to be using on the character for the time.


How do you install both without overwriting the other?

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I have both installed, I switch once in a while. It just depends on what I want to be using on the character for the time.


How do you install both without overwriting the other?


NMM. I deactivate the one I'm not using.

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I have both installed, I switch once in a while. It just depends on what I want to be using on the character for the time.


How do you install both without overwriting the other?


NMM. I deactivate the one I'm not using.

Oh alright. I was remembering a mod on the nexus that gave every NPC a custom race so they could use a different body, but I think it got pulled for some reason or another.

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