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Apachii Divine Elegance Store really expensive


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well , the prices are calculated in a specific way , but if you want to change the prices of specific items , just open the plugin in SSEEdit and edit the prices of these items

do note again that due to the way prices are calculated , purchase prices won't be equal to the item's actual value , but that's the case with all items in the game

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No no, i am sorry. It was my failed attempt at a joke. There was an outfit I wanted for a Follwer. Well, a couple of outfits. If they are priced like that they are not worth it. Than I was wondering if they are craftable. And the really are not. I havent messed with Skse yet but so my next alternative was to remove the mod. But I have money I made from the sale of the gems that I took, didn't say I was stealling. So I am going to leave the store there.
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ok I really got you wrong here

granted it was really late , but still.....


whatever the case , you really should not remove mods from an active save , it's not safe to do

and you don't have to mess with SKSE at all here . SSEEdit is a really simple to use program that will allow you to edit plugins , and is really useful for small edits

so if you want to do something simple (like editing an item's price or damage or something) , it really easy to do with SSEEdit

and you could always just add the money you need via console commands

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Yeah. I needed to do more reading before I loaded the mods and started the game. I am having a lot of issues. Least of which is the store. However, I did get sticker stock. I do ask a lot questions and I get some good advice. I will have to read thr mods better rather then judge them by their cover.


- i can adopt kids but they aren't going to any of my new players homes.(dragonskeep, Bleakwood cabin, etc.)

- everytime I fast travel, I get attacked by bandits, not just normal bandits, fireball throwing, ice arrow shooting animal companion having bad asses that my weak fire spells and weak swords.

- I ran across a bandit fort that I needed 3 followers and myself to clear it, after killing a thalmor and elf warrior everyone from the fort (6 bandits from above) pour out and headed for me.

- oh, yeah and the prices are too high at the store.


Point is, I am inexperienced in ssedit so I would no idea what to look for. Sigh

Edited by Wolfskin75
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