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Mods that affect Performace/FPS?


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I've noticed a decrease in performance, especially when I'm in areas where there's a lot of grass and vegetation. I know texture mods can have one of the biggest effects on performance, but what other type of mods affect it? For example, would mods like WE3 that add weapons to leveled lists have a noticeable effect? What about mods like WiS and Skyrim Live which spawn more npcs and such? I don't have any texture mods installed, so I'm wondering which mods could be having an effect. I just use NMM since I don't use a lot of mods and don't haven't bashed any files. Here's a list of my mods:


1HD Weapons on back

Live another Life

Auto Unequip Arrows

Better Horses

Better Xbox360 Controller

Black and Gold Elven Equipment

Black Mage Armor

Black Tower and Black Sacrament Armor

Bobs Armory


Categorized Favorites Menu

Craft Bound Weapons

Craft Monk Hoods

Crimson Tide

Dancing Krane Katana

Deadly Combat

Dovahkiin Relaxes Too

Dragonbone Dagger

Dwemer Goggles and Scouter

Dwemer Rifle

Enhanced Distant Terrain

Everlasting Weapon Enchantments

Flintlock Pistol

Fur Hoods HD

Greatsword sheaths and scabbards

Grey Orcish Weapons and Armor

Hedge Knight Armor

Humans Drop Human Parts


Imps More Complex Needs

Magicka Sabers

Martial Arts

Night Eye Ring

No Salt for Meat Recipes

Non-playable Armor


Poison Overdose

Possesive Corpses

Private Selective Quivers

Realistic Lighting with Customization

Realistic Wildlife Loot and Recipes

Sabre Gear Backpack

Shadow Striping Fix

Skyrim Live

Skyrim Toilets


Sounds of Skyrim - Dungeons

Sounds of Skyrim - Wilds

Spell Master The Time and Space

Sundracons Mask of Maru

The Dark Follower Armor

The Wticher - Iorveth Light Armor

Unlimited Rings

Wars in Skyrim IV

Weapons of the Third Era Fixed

Wear Circlets with Hoods

Winter is Coming

XCE - Xenius Character Enhancement



Thanks in advance

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Bolded the ones that will decrease performance


Enhanced Distant Terrain

Everlasting Weapon Enchantments (If this means that they are constantly glowing then it would have a slight performance hit)

Hypothermia (maybe? could be running script while outdoors)

Realistic Lighting with Customization

Skyrim Live (Definitely decreases performance)

Sounds of Skyrim - Wilds (Just in case try disabling the 'Wilds' esp and see if it has any effect)

Wars in Skyrim IV (Definitely decreases performance)


Edited by KaraTES
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