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Can’t dismiss Lydia


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How can I get Lydia’s original settings back to normal? She won’t leave when dismissed and is still set as essential


One of the mods I installed had her set as essential and now that I’ve taken the mod out (installed and uninstalled with NMM) it seems like she still is set as essential. I also cannot dismiss her – when telling her our ways need to part she says she’ll head back home (do have the Breezehome) but as soon as I turn my back and head out again she’s still my six o’clock shadow


I tried ~unequipall, ~resetinventory, ~resetai and also tried to killed her but she did not die – hence my suspicion that she’s still set as essential :dry:.

Maybe with everything I tried I broke her further, just don’t know what to do now


I don't have any companion/follower mods in my game at the moment

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I'm having similar issues with followers, though mine seems to be a global (i.e. affects ALL followers) problem.


Problem: Followers will not Wait or Dismiss properly (say the line but just keep following), and telling them to Wait Here via "I need you to do something" results in them being frozen in a permanent Wait mode. =P


Attempted fixes:


-console commands (kill, resetai, recycleai, setfollowercount to 0, etc, etc, etc)

-switching followers via enabling a multi-follower mod, which results in the previous "won't leave you alone" follower being properly dismissed when the new follower is taken on, but the new follower will then have all the problems of the old follower =\ (I have tried Lydia, Farkas and Marcurio)


My biggest problem with this is that I tend to have a follower with me most of the time in-game, so it's very possible that I would not have noticed this glitch (or, considering how buggy Skyrim is in-general, have written it off as a one-time thing) until far-after the cause.


I've installed several Follower-themed mods, as this was before UFO came out, and can provide a list of all mods I had installed if necessary, and all pex. scripts I have in my Data Folder.


*Note: I'm posting this both here and in its own thread, as it sounds somewhat similar to the issue of the OP, but is slightly different in that it involves multiple followers (not just Lydia). Mods can move/add as they see fit.*

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by the console command, type thi...


set playerfollowercount to 0



WARNING, this command say to all your follower to return to her original location, they will not following you until you recrut her again, it's like a reset, i use it sometime because some follower they rest low level, so when i am hight level in battl they are alway on her knee, (but they have never taken an arrow in it :)), so use this command, the compagnon say good bye and turn back and go away, if you recrute her again they will follow you in level, it's make more real when they follow you in level, i use always Lydia, they are beautiful and her character of femal woman make me laught in each battle, and when they make final move oufff Ha ha ha.

ok i let you trying this but because of the mod you use i can not predict the andswer...

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Attempted fixes:


-console commands (kill, resetai, recycleai, setfollowercount to 0, etc, etc, etc)

-switching followers via enabling a multi-follower mod, which results in the previous "won't leave you alone" follower being properly dismissed when the new follower is taken on, but the new follower will then have all the problems of the old follower =\ (I have tried Lydia, Farkas and Marcurio)


So yeah, that's not workin' =\

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Attempted fixes:


-console commands (kill, resetai, recycleai, setfollowercount to 0, etc, etc, etc)

-switching followers via enabling a multi-follower mod, which results in the previous "won't leave you alone" follower being properly dismissed when the new follower is taken on, but the new follower will then have all the problems of the old follower =\ (I have tried Lydia, Farkas and Marcurio)


So yeah, that's not workin' =\


you are the two they say me this, something as changed somewhere, it's like some console command have been changed or erased, anyway you can try to call the "help", in the console command, but i have listen even the help have disapear, i d'ont know why it's working for me ?

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I did not know about the set playerfollowercount to 0 so will try that tonight when I get home and will report back tomorrow. Thank you for the reply

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Let me be more thorough, as apparently people are confused.



Attempted fixes:


-console commands including,





set playerfollowercount to 0,


setessential + kill


-switching followers via enabling a multi-follower mod, which results in the previous "won't leave you alone" follower being properly dismissed when the new follower is taken on, but the new follower will then have all the problems of the old follower =\ (I have tried Lydia, Farkas and Marcurio)


THEREFORE: This is NOT limited to a single NPC follower I can kill/reset/wipe, but seems to be affecting ALL FOLLOWERS IN THE GAME.


-The only follower that seems to still work fine is my own custom follower from my own mod, which confuses me as I have never played around with any faction-data.

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I’m free!!


Set PlayerFollowerCount to 0 worked wonderfully. First I did not think it worked because Lydia still followed me but as soon as I recruited another follower she just turned and walked away. I also had no problem dismissing the other fellow.


Yeay, thank you for all your help

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