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Looking for Mod : Change NPC Voice


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Hello to whomever may be able to help!


I have recently gotten into trying to download mods for Skyrim. One of my favorite things to do is recruit a group of followers and travel all across Skyrim with them. However, something that irks me is that many of these followers that I download from mods have matching voices with one another. It's a small peeve of mine, but I'd like to edit this, if possible.

Does anyone know of any mods available through Nexus that will allow me to change these voices? I would prefer not to stray away from sources outside of Nexus, since I am not all that tech-savvy and am unsure how to manually download things. But I would be willing to take recommendations from safe outside sources as well. I am just looking to switch out some of the voices of these followers downloaded through mods and replace them with a different vanilla voice.


Thanks much for your time!

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Don't know about the mod thing, even though i may have seen some voice replacer some time ago (although it may have been for a single NPC).

However, you can still install mods with managers even if it is outside of Nexus. You just to manually add the mod to the manager, using the green cross at the top left hand corner (For NNM), and then installing it normaly via the mod manager.

Still, you have plenty of mod followers with their own samples of voices. I personnaly once used Cerwiden, Recorder... And i still use Mirai (love this one), and Inigo (perfect for a stealthy character, and he's got some nice interractions. And you won't see often a purple Kahjit BTW)
Just check in the mods description if they have customized voices.

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Well, it can be done. After all, there are mods that add new dialogue to both new and existing NPCs. I can't say however, that I've ever actually come across a mod that just changes the voices (without adding NPCs). I'm sure, as FlanChanS said, searching the Nexus may yield a result. If not, maybe request the mod and see if anyone can/will help?

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However, unfortunately, i think the only replacer are only for combat. Meaning that when speaking, NPCs will stiall have the same voice.

Something funny, while i installed a mod that adds more interactions for followers and NPCs, when they speak, they changes their voice from my game's language to english. That's....a kinda unexpected diversity of voices.

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