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Skyrim Frezing/Problems


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Hi mates,

I buyed Skyrim from some weeks and sure I get some mods now... a lot of them of course xD

But the problem is now with the patches...I think u know what I mean.

I have about 200 mods and they works all fine. i tested it.

But the problem is when i load a save game hes chrased me out or when I start a new game hes frezed me, again and again.

I think I have the final patch. (patch 8 ? ) and the latest version of ScriptDragon, bce. I use SKSE.


Now the good question is, whats the problem ?

I thought the problem with the mods fas fixed in the patch 5.

the another question is, should i need to patch them from 1.00 to the last one ?

I hope some one can help me.

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