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Swords on Back Skyrim SE


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I remember a while back when I was playing Skyrim on my older system I was able to get it to where my character was the only one with a 1H sword on his back. Since I have gotten back into Skyrim, Skyrim is pretty much unstable on my new system even in vanilla form. (Yes, Ive completely Uninstalled and Reinstalled the game) But luckily I picked up Skyrim SE when it launched and so far the game is 110% stable with mods. That being said, I would like to make it to where only my player has a 1H sword on his back. Are there any mods out there that enable this? It looks pretty stupid when Imperials are walking around with what amounts to a Gladius on their back I was susing XP32 but cant find options for it in the menus like Dual Sheath Redux did. Thanks guys

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