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RND - Hearthfire Not Playing Well


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Hi All,


I've been playing a character for a number of hours building up the funds to build a house. Finally got the house in Heljarchen and I went to build and nothing happened - not even the roped off part. Seemed to be a mod issue. I turned off a number of mods, added the Unofficial Hearthfire mod, and the house started building. Saved, exited, and reenabled all of the mods. Went to buy lumber and then tried to rest and my bedroll (from Realistic Needs and Diseases) disappeared. Tried a few times and found that my check needs hotkey wasn't working. Opened up SkyUI and now nothing shows under the RND menu.


My guess is I'm out of luck and I only have saves after the house was built.


Any ideas on how to get the mod working again?

Edited by tcharleshapman
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