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Regarding possible cape animations...

Mr Hand

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Something I've noticed in playing Skyrim is that capes do in fact flap as you run.

Unfortunately, for some reason Bethesda only chose to apply said animation to when characters are running forward and to the left.See Figure A







Awesome right? It seems like a totally reasonable animation. Nice and flappy, like a cape should be.

However, instead when running any other direction including straight forward capes and other such garments remain as stiff as the sword on your back.Fig B








What I am wondering, most amazing modding community, is if there is not some way to take the left-diagonal animation and have it apply to running in other not-backwards directions?

Note, I have not seen this brought up in any other threads so that is why I ask this. If this has already been addressed then I apologize for a shoddy re-post.

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It could be done with the hkxcmd animation tool and 3dsmax to modify the player skeleton.


I was able to reposition a specific skeleton bone to change whereabouts magic effects are fired from when using a staff, so it's possible if you were to reposition the back skirt bone upwards a bit in 3ds max for all running animations. Since weapon types (1 & 2 handed, staff, magic) each have their own running animations, you would have to reposition that specific skirt bone for the running animation of each weapon type.


Otherwise find the leftdiagonal animation file (using the Actor animation preview tab in the CK) and replace it with the runforward animation files and see what happens.

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Yes flows nicely doesnt it a bonus for me not rigging it to the feet, but alas I know nothing about makeing animations or tweaking skeletons. I did the best I could with the rigging, if someone can figure out a better flowing way I would be very interested in it.
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