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Imperial City Buildings


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Okay so the Imperial City buildings look more prosperous than the others in Skyrim, so I figured, "what if someone took the models and textures and put them in skyrim for use in the Construction set, what about it guys? The buildings could make DLC for larger, more beautiful towns than Skyrim can present with it's village huts.



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There are various subtypes of fantasy. Oblivion was a High Fantasy, while Skyrim is more Realistic Fantasy. It's like the difference between Star Wars and Star Trek. Star Wars is flashier and more action-oriented, giving it's tech just a simple "This works." Star Trek is much slower, and tries to tackle real issues, and attempts to explain WHY it's tech does what it does. Both are good, but they don't mix well.


I'm just saying, the buildings are wooden because that's the kind of world that this would be. Vikings and other Norse cultures didn't use stone very often, and Skyrim is heavily, heavily drawn from Norse cultures. When playing a game based on an actual culture, and their style of dress and home, you can't just say "F*** history" because that history is an integral part of the game you're playing.


And in history, there ARE dragon hunters. St. George, for one. Sigurd Fafnirsbane for another. Beowulf for a third. Historical literature based on facts (embellished, of course) does make mention of dragons. People did hunt necromancers (Especially during the Black Death). There were storied of people coming across factions of evil elves in the forests, and people avoided certain areas thanks to other supernatural forces. And ghosts not only talked, but gave people messages (Even Shakespeare incorporated that into one or two of his plays). So yes, there are historical precidents for a lot of the mythological and fantasy elements you face in the game.


ON THE OTHER HAND - It is not my place to say what mods should and should not be made. If someone wants to see stone buildings, by all means, go ahead and make them. I was just explaining why Skyrim's buildings are made of wood, not the high-tech, expensive, and impractical stonework that most of Oblivions rather crappy-looking buildings were made from.

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