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I need help with the arc of a projectile


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I need guidance from someone who is experienced in editing guns, at GECK.

My problem is this: the 25mmAPW has a mod that practically doubles the reach of the projectiles. I want that range, without needing a mod, for my custom gun, the 40mmAPW.

The only way I have discovered to increase the arc the projectile makes is to decrease its gravity.

this means that I have to create a lot of things in GECK, duplicate all the projectiles (pulse, plasma etc) duplicate the formlist of the 40mm, for a customizable one that accommodates these projectiles and other things.

I do not want this. How do I do exactly the same as 25mmAPW, where a mod changes the range of the projectiles? I could not find anything in the Geck how this was done.

Thanks ^^

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My guess:



Haven't tested it but I used to be a physics major and I can tell you that if you increase the velocity along the X or Y axis of an object in motion without modifying its velocity along the Z axis from its standard gravitational pull, it will get further horizntally before it touches the ground and the result will indeed be a different arc. All right, I wasn't really a great physics major, but that's still probably what you're looking for.

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Hello e thanks for the reply.

Yes, I had seen that. I just can not find anywhere where he applies this value 2.

My problem is knowing how a mod works. For example, let's say a mod that doubles the capacity of the gun barrel. It does just that, but without creating a new ID for that weapon. How is this done?

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Far as I can gather, all that stuff is just visual and the effects of a weapon mod are selected from a predetermined list in a dropdown menu.


Yes. Based on this information, I created a mod for that weapon. I was skeptical at first, but




It was not what I was looking for, because I did not want a mod for this weapon, but this solution is by far the simplest and most elegant.


Thanks for your help ^^

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The image is Todd Howard with the phrase "It just Works" :tongue: :tongue: :tongue:


About the weapon, it is this one




That was it, period. That's what I wanted. With this problem, I took the computer to the side and made it a mod. I do not remember the name, I think I named it as "trajectory calculator"

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Haha wish I'd seen the Todd Howard image, that would have been funny.


I think I misunderstood you; I thought when you said,



It was not what I was looking for, because I did not want a mod for this weapon, but this solution is by far the simplest and most elegant.

that you were saying the result was not what you wanted, but now I think you were saying the 25mm version was not what you wanted, but that what you managed to make yourself is indeed what you wanted. Correct?


The modded weapon looks nice.

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