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Run script every time savegame is loaded?


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Well, always-active is one thing, I just want it to run a single time when the save is loaded. The Quest scripts only inits once. Do perk scripts re-init after every save?


edit- maybe some way of storing a variable that causes it to not get saved?

Edited by Wolf of the azar
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At the end of your script, set a global variable to 1 (make it default to 0 and not store it so it resets to zero when you load a game.). Then use the function to stop the script. Then make a condition for the quest to start be that the global var = 0. Otherwise just follow the info in that link you posted.
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Ok... I'm utterly new to papyrus and pretty know all I know via google searches & poking through the creation kit wiki.


So I managed to get it sort of implemented, but the problem is that I can either set it as a constant, which results in it not getting changed in the save (just as I want) but ALSO not getting changed in the instance (which I don't want!). This results in it always running on every update




If I don't set it as a constant, it gets set in the instance (which I want) but ALSO it gets set in the save (which I don't want either!). This results in it running only once.


So how do I 'not store it' like you said?

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Hmm, still doesn't work. :/


It seems that the item isn't getting added to the leveled list (regardless if I have a leveled list or not that the property points to)


Nevermind. The CK glitched up and was reporting a filled property when it really wasn't. Reloading the datafiles & refilling it corrected the issue, and the script now works.


Edited by Wolf of the azar
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Good to hear :)


I don't know if you saw, but that function is now on the wiki. Using a container rather than the player which is probably a little safer.


It's also a good idea to use several RegisterForSingleUpdate() over RegisterForUpdate().



Event OnInit()

Event OnUpdate()
       If GetGameLoaded()
               Debug.Notification("bGetGameLoaded == True") ; Shows once per save load
               Debug.Notification("bGetGameLoaded == False") ; Shows repeatedly


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