SikSikSikki Posted April 3, 2012 Share Posted April 3, 2012 Hellllo, everyone, SikSikSikki here. I was a member of the Nexus awhile back with a few minor mods in Oblivion, but I have,unfortunately, forgotten my pass. (might be a little long on the intro, so scroll down if you want to get to the point.) Now that the introductions are finished... Dungeons and Dragons has been THE fantasy game (not just the table-top, but in video games, books, and to a certain extent movies as well) for decades. It has everything you need from from the Goblinsand Orcs to the Dragons and beyond. Over the course of the decades I mentioned, Dungeons and Dragons has expanded VASTLY. And I think it's about time we seemore things from these wonderful genre's in The Elder Scrolls. Now that is to say, there has been many mods that have covered various things from the Guenwhyvar mod right here on the SkyrimNexus, to the expansive Underdark mod that was created for Oblivion. I'm not just saying I want other modders out there to make my dreams come true... As I'm getting used to the CK myself after upgradingfrom the Construction Set and the NV G.E.C.K., I will be working on such mods... But I need HELP._____________________________________________________________________________________________________________Some Basic Ideas:The Equipment:Across the different worlds, mediums, and universes of the Dungeons and Dragons world, there have always been tools for the hero, villain,or average adventurer to use that have always made fans wonder and wish they were real. Take the Forgotten Realms biggest star, the Dark Elf: Drizzt Do'Urden for example. He has a small arsenal that he always uses that would befun and easy to bring into Skyrim. Twinkle and Icingdeath, his trusty scimitars that grant him better defence, as well as freeze his opponents EAT fire respectively. The bow given to him by his love, Catti-Brie, the enchanted Taulmaril the Heartseeker that can punch holes in rocks andis never seen far away from a quiver that never replenishes. And of course we can go to the Core Rulebook and check out the wonderful assortment of magical gear they give there... Be it literally god-likeitems such as the Eye and Hand of Vecna (personal favorites), the Coat of Many Things, Bags of Holding, Boots of Spider Climb (ever wonderwhy spiders in Skyrim can't walk on walls or cielings? Just spawn on them?), and so VERY much more. The Locale:As I mentioned before, there have been mods such as the Underdark that brought forth the Drow Elves home to the world of Tamriel. But whereis it in Skyrim? Not that I'm saying the original author of said mod should get to work on it.... But take a good look at areas such as Black Reachunder Alfthand. Tell me that wouldn't make a damn good base for a true-and-blue Underdark mod! You could even bring the Drow, which are supposed to be Dark Elves, as a different RACE of Dark Elves. Much like Americans as opposed to citizens of the U.K. and so-on-and-so-forth. Aside from just the Dark Elves, there are many other beautiful and awe-inspiring places we could bring to the table. Sorry, if you're a bigger DnDfan than I and all I mention is things from the Forgotten Realms, it's simply a lore I know better. Anyways, we could bring locations that were broughtto life in other video games such as Icewind Dale or, hell, even the CITY of BALDUR'S GATE in. And, get this my friend, we've already experiencedan Elder Scroll created "Time Wound" that brought forth the World Eater Alduin to the 4th Era, so who's to say a time-wound couldn't steal locationsfrom another "plane of existance"? The Cast:Without the lovely writers at Wizards of the Coast, and others such as the legendary R.A.Salvatore, DnD would be boring. Sure, the main thing is tocreate your own character, but just like in Skyrim it's hard to have a story without other characters who bring the world into perspective and give ita much greater depth. Simply for the fact that my descriptions could not do them justice, I'll post a nice little list of character names for you to searchhere: (no specific order except whatever comes to mind as I write)Icingdeath (the Dragon)ErrtuLloth (or Lolth)Gromph BaenreQuenthel BaenreDrizzt Do'UrdenBruenor BattlehammerWulfgarCatti-BrieRegisPharaun MizzrymRyld ArgithArtemis EntreriObould Many-ArrowsEllifain and many, many more. If you're like me, you'll probably end up lost on the Forgotten Realms wiki just reading different stories, and such.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________The Request In Full: So hopefully I've managed to wet your appetite. What I'm wanting, in the end, is a team. Be it small, or large. Of texturer's, maybe modelers,definitely scripters, and the sort. I myself am learning to do all of this, so it won't just be my hiring lackey's to do my dirty work. In the end,there will be a story that has to do mainly with the Underdark, and hopefully more stories that have to do with other areas (such as Icewind Dale,as I mentioned.) If you are interested, I strongly recommend adding my on Skype and talking to me there. Everything I've mentioned here is just a small portionof the things I'm hoping we can do, and I can promise it will never get old. Skype: uncle.sikkiE-mail: [email protected] (I will most likely not answer these. I'm terrible with e-mails.)Steam: PTO_Sikki0420 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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