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Textures Missing and Crashing


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I have 33 mods at the moment, all to do with making the game look better.

I have SKSE and if a mod requires and more mods i have downloaded them.

I have used LOOT to sort my load order and verified my game files with steam to make sure nothing is missing/

I used live another life and all the barrels in the cell have missing textures where the metal loops should be and the bed cover texture was missing.

I started my new life in breeze home and when i tried to go outside it crashed.


Does anyone know why this could of happened? Any help would be Appreciated.


My Mod List:


Alternate Start - Live Another Life

aMidianBorn Book of Silence (all 5 parts)

Audio Overhaul 2

Cover Khajiits (male and female)

Drachis Argonians

ELE - Lite


Enhanced Blood Textures

Enhanced ENB Night Eye

Enhanced Textures Detail

Enhanced Vanilla Trees

Forgotten Retox Project

Leanwolf's Better-Shapes Weaponds

Real Roads

Realistic Water two

Rudy ENB

Ruins Clutter Improved


Skyrim Distant Detail

Skyrim Realistic Overhaul

Smoking Torches and Candles

Static Mesh improvement Mod

Unique Grasses and Groundcovers

Vivid Weathers



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It means some textures are missing - likely a problem with SMIM and other meshes. I know in the install guide for SMIM, they have specific directions for barrels. Since you only have 30 mods, I would uninstall all and start again - checking Skyrim after every 2 - 3. That should help you pinpoint the problem.


Likely something with SRO, SMIM, ETD.


Do you have crash fixes installed BTW? Or are you using the SKSE Memory Patch - which I'd argue is not as good as Crash Fixes. Also - do you have PapyrusUtil?


Sometimes, especially with SMIM, SDD, SRO and aMidian - that can put too much strain on the game and it'll crash because it's out of memory - maybe that's why you crashed leaving Breezehome?


I accidentally purged all texture files and was playing a purple Skyrim once - no crashing. So I wonder if those two issues - the textures and the crashing - are separate.

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