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frostfall with skse64 using papyrusutil


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I've been looking into the fix posted on reddit that uses parts of both versions of frostfall and campfire to work with skse64. this was posted before papyrusutilse was released.


my first question is, has anyone here been using all of these mods together? also, if I have the papyrusutil mod installed, can I just use the se versions of campfire and frostfall?


I know that frostfall works without skse, but I'm definitely using skse, so I'm trying to find the best way to use frostfall. obviously I will probablyou test myself, but I've been doing testing and buiding a mod list for days now, I'd hate to get into a playthrough and find something not working correctly.

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great, thanks for the reply. I was preparing to port some of the files from the old version, there are 2 different guides explaining how, but in the comments people mentioned not needing to do it, since the papyrus util was very recently released. I'd much rather get some exploring in to my game time tonight. Edited by wanderer3292
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