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more snowy terrain for skyrim


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Ive been searching around internet about a mod that would make snowy weather more often and include more snowy landscapes. I only hud luck about having snowy weather more "extreme". I just downloaded the "winter is coming" mod, wich adds cloaks and hoods from tv series "game of thrones". Anyway, now it looks kinda crappy becouse there isnt really a lot (enough, atleast) snow in the game to make sense wearing this stuff...anyone?


sorry for bad english (i think its correct though), and for so many "snowy" words.




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I have a few more snowy landscape textures in my UberGrafix mod. I did not add a lot, since the game is already pretty confusing with crops growing right next to ice fields, and there is no way to know where they used each landscape texture. When you get farther North the snow starts to fall, and most of the architecture and landscape uses snowy versions, but I agree. Most of the landscape design is just silly.


P.S. Your English is just fine. ;)

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