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Help, akspeaker.OpenInventory() NPC's Won't Equip Armor!


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I'm nearly finished with my simple follower Framework mod, I just have one last issue. I cannot Seem to get the followers I have to Equip Armor as they do in the vanilla follower system. I place items in their inventory, with dialogue utilizing the akspeaker.OpenInventory() papyrus Fragment. That works for opening and placing things in their inventory just fine in game, But I cannot get them to wear the clothing/ armor I place in their inventory! anybody know why this is?

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Only player teammates will equip items from their inventory, all other NPCs always wear their outfit as defined in the CK.


The Papyrus command to force them to be a teammate is SetPlayerTeammate() and should be called wherever you're activating the NPC as an active follower because it enables other follower behaviors as well.

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