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Purple Textures without Static mesh improvement PLEASE HELP


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I've decided to do a play through without any mods so i deactivated all mods once i entered the game again purple textures appear on carriages and barrels and i went back through my mods to find out which one was causing this and i find with static mesh improvement i dont get the purple textures but once i deactivate the mod it re appears. If anyone knows a fix please help i have re downloaded the game and that didn't work.

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I have the same problem with redgaurd appareal. I changed load orders, ran loot, but still it persists. i de-installed SMIM and the leporous wood grain went awway but the purple redgaurd outfits is a mysytery.



SMIM only changes static meshes. It almost certainly has nothing to do with your redguard clothes. Look for clothing / armor mods.


To narrow down the culprits, do the following.

1. Note / remember the name of one or two items that are missing textures.

2. Open up the console ingame.

3. Search for these items by typing "help [Name of Item]"

4. This will give you the item's id. For you, only the first two digits are of interest. They represent the number of the mod, to which the item belongs, within the current load order. The number is displayed in hex code, so it might be numers, letters or a combination of both.

5. Look at your load order (e.g. in the "plugins" tab of NMM or in Wrye Bash). Find the number you noted before. Voilá - you have found the culprit!


If you know, which mod the purple items come from, try to fix the issue by reinstalling or (if all else fails) finally uninstalling this mod.

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