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Wars In skyrim ??


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Hello. Let me explain my background a bit. I bought Skyrim on release, and from the moment I downloaded Wars in Skyrim (participated in its first few releases before it got popular), I loved the mod. Out of all my past modding experiences in a multitude of games, I would have ranked Wars in Skyrim in my top among top of mods, and that's extremely hard to achieve.


Unfortunately my main save became corrupted, so I took an inevitable break from playing, and after getting back and messing around with the save discovered some of the issues which corrupted my save were related to a few different mods I was using, still not recoverable. Through my headache of trying to recover all my mods, I eventually get to this page.


I don't mean to be frank or inappropriate, but whats going on here is extremely bulls***. I don't troll, I promote the most positive experience possible, and that's why you need to understand that this post isn't in that spirit. Its from a consumer who was enthralled with the product, and is now being slapped in the face.


Something Alex needs to understand, is the mass majority who download his mod, never will post here. The saints, the people who spend hours of enjoying the new Skyrim with his mod, and would thank him 10 times over are the ones who don't show up here. The ones who do, are the trolls, the people who don't understand the effort required, and the processes involved, and have nothing but time to waste. I'm extremely disappointed that someone who could develop such amazing content would delete the contents of that mod in a fit of rage, then deny the entire community access to it just because he couldn't see past the words on a computer screen. Thats astonishing to me.


I understand breaks, and he probably needs one, that's undoubted, but the fact hes not sharing any future or current content with other people who can keep pushing his project while keeping Alex informed is just stupid. It shows that the only solution to them he could do, was act like a child and revoke what we were enjoying. All the people who he blindly forgot about, people like me, are now punished with crappy saves and the loss of a mod which was amazing. And that's complete and utter bulls***.


None the less, its all part of the process. No one can blame him for reacting like that, no one likes trolls. But at least say "hey, I didn't forget about the people who do matter" buy keeping an up to date within a month patch version out or something. However that needs to happen, through alex or someone else.


In all honesty though, after seeing this thread, if this mod takes 4+ months for a revamp just so I can play it I probably wont. Ive been insulted in this process, and I don't like that.

Edited by Paulten
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I find that if you've been on the internet for any amount of time, you shouldn't be bothered by trolls. Unless they're outright spamming your comments page (and I don't know the exact situation as far as WiS goes, but I don't think that was the case) there's no reason to even pay them any attention. They won't detract from your mod in any serious way and if you're really that concerned, down-rep (I've actually read a negative post (that was borderline trolling) and then saw it was downrepped and then proceeded to ignore it entirely, whereas otherwise I would have considered its validity) and if applicable report them.


And honestly, I think we all have to just dummy up and accept the fact that with Skyrim, there are inherently going to be more trolls/less knowledgeable-and-excitable people. Contrary to popular belief, it wasn't really Oblivion that introduced the modern gaming community to the Elder Scrolls. It was Skyrim. And with Skyrim comes the massive wave of people who haven't been a part of this community before. And with such a wave of people comes the trolls and the less-than-knowledgeable-yet-excitable. Thats why there are so many people asking how to install X mod, or so many people that don't understand why their game's broken when they installed 6 mods that modify the same thing. And if they aren't given a customer service level of attention then they're going to start causing problems in the comments.


But anyway, I never had the pleasure of playing WiS (as I believe it originally came out before I left, but at that point was still in its infancy and I wasn't going to install such a mod so early on in its development) and it apparently was taken down before I came back, but from the sounds of it it sounds quite awesome and its a shame that he's denying everyone the mod over something so silly. Granted, on my own mod I haven't had to deal with many trolls or anything else like that but if my mod was as popular as WiS seems to have been then I'd be prepared to deal with that. I mean hell, the way I've set up my mod (you actually have to go to another modder's page to get his mod, then install mine over his) I was prepared to deal with it because of how people like to use NMM so much (which I don't plan on ever using) and because of the general inconvenience. But that was because I didn't want to overshadow another modder's work, as I had included the original model that another model used in my first iterations of my mod, and that original mod was buried not long after my version of it came out. So when I found a new model that I preferred to use, I decided I wouldn't let this happen to a modder that was grossly under-appreciated.

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I am really sorry to say that your comment sounds a little bit selfish at least. Where were you the last two weeks when Alex was getting hammered by really nasty comments although he answered the really stupid questions one or two pages back. It was the ignorance to those people that literally drained Alex's energy to live not only to mod. They managed to turn something Alex loved into something he was fearing due to the constant abuse he was getting for pathetic things in that mod like Italian name for the "Sleeping giant inn" a absolute bull**** things. Those people managed to ruin and destroy any Alexis happiness from modding and will to mod games. There were a lot of people that supported Alex, me being one of them. I have fixed the Italian language issue in the WIS IV and sent it to Alex. We still keep in touch. He started to work on WIS V and so far he can't get himself to finish it. I am going to take a wild guess why. He is afraid to release it not 101% finished. Let me think why . Because people will be reporting (and not in a polite way) their conflict with other mods or CTD's that doesn't have anything to do with the WIS it self. To do this is purely unprofessional and RUDE as he will be for hours and hours looking for a mistake that doesn't exist in his mod. Did happened to me a LOT. This is something that really can piss of a modder and it is happening on a regular basis.

People have to remember that he is not getting any money for his endless hours of work. In a big big majority in the last two weeks nearly all he was getting I wouldn't even call in trolling in was abuse. And if his decision was to take the mod down who are you to tell him different. Maybe I am wrong but have you ever made a successful mod. Do you know how much studding, work and effort is needed for even a mediocre mods. When you were helping him in the beginning you knew that that mod is beta. That is was all scripted. A few mistakes in the code can destroy not only your save but you Skyrim installation as well. We all know it and we will try it anyway. It is the risk we willing to take in helping to develop a incredible mod like WIS.

Anyway this is only my opinion and I really don't care what people "who think" know what happened has to say about it. Maybe you should think about what you are saying/writing before you post it!

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I 100% thought about my post before posting it, and I continue to support it. I deeply appreciated the mod when I had the moments of playing it. I also understand the multitude of people who would enjoy it more then me, and those numbers outshine the trolls who would ever bother harassing someone with crap exponentially. However, I can understand the drain of trolls. Though, I cant even begin to picture the intricacies of actually understanding the platform to that level, and for all anyone else understands, with those skills available you could make your own perfect Skyrim with your time and say screw it all, then having the few possible appreciators you will see on these forums turn into nothing but blind idiots. Its because of that is why I hate the general mentality of trolls, they are not aware of any cause and effect, and because of that they cant make emotional connections so they don't understand when they are pushing something over the line and hurt someone. I feel bad for Alex, just as others in even better circumstances.



However, I also understand that the only motivational approach for anyone attempting to be logical and balanced, meanwhile being involved with massive trolling is just to move past it. And often times that's the fastest solution. That drive needed, that creative spark, I'm assuming didn't come from the motivation to please people, so reacting like this doesn't make sense. It probably came from dissecting and analyzing an atmosphere people could enjoy. And as a product he developed something which impacted Skyrim which people looked at and respected, and in some cases probably even depended on.


I apologize if I was blunt in my message. In honesty, even I'm tired of the bulls*** involved with trolling. It seems like regardless, in the end both parties lose... always. And by majority the trolls are too stupid through the entirety to even realize what they caused. Its because of a few idiots who couldnt stop, which push Alex over the edge, which then creates situations and posts like mine, and so many other question marks in other peoples heads. None the less, I hope you gained some inside into my post, my main point was simply "it matters for everyone".

Edited by Paulten
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"Hello. Let me explain my background a bit. I bought Skyrim on release, and from the moment I downloaded Wars in Skyrim (participated in its first few releases before it got popular), I loved the mod. Out of all my past modding experiences in a multitude of games, I would have ranked Wars in Skyrim in my top among top of mods, and that's extremely hard to achieve."


for me is the best mod for Skyrim: i miss it very much.

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Alright, after spending 2 days trying to find some resource where someone somewhere continued Wars in Skyrim, Im giving up. The best I got turned into a different language and something about Gold.


Anyways, hope everything settles itself with Alex. People are waiting on him all around the skyrim world.

Edited by Paulten
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Alright, after spending 2 days trying to find some resource where someone somewhere continued Wars in Skyrim, Im giving up. The best I got turned into a different language and something about Gold.


Anyways, hope everything settles itself with Alex. People are waiting on him all around the skyrim world.



Hmmm; he has continue to work in his mod dude. He's working on version V; I don't know if you've read the comments. :verymad:

He wants to release a perfect mod for us.

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So it is final Alex decided to quit the modding community for good. The king is dead long live the king. Please pay your respects.


On a good note the WIS 5 is up and in development. Alex gave permission to one other member to continue and also gave him the WIS 5 Beta. I am not going to name that person until I will clear that with him. We saw what too much popularity can do.


I will update you on the situation as soon I will get a clear go. Which shouldn't take long


Much love D13




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