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ReferenceCollection size imit ?


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Is there a known limit on the size of a quest ReferenceCollection alias ?


Cant find anything specific other than the array limit of 128 on the CK site.


AddRef(), GetCount() and GetAt() all work OK at 5,120 spawned references.


It takes 11 mins to generate 5K wooden boxes at random YXZ around the player and 90 seconds to disable and delete them. I can keep bumping the test value but seems more efficient to ask.





Edited by SKK50
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There is no definite known limit that I know of, though I imagine that if you go past a 32-bit integer the game will crash. That's roughly 2,147,483,647, so I imagine you'll murder your RAM or run out of patience first. :P Edited by Reneer
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Thanks for that.


I am surprised to find *something* on the platform has more capacity than needed ... probably as there was no legacy skyrim back-compatibility considerations when it was implemented. Array limit of 128 seems so ... 8088

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Sorry for bumping into your thread, but since we're talking limitations here... I'm aware of the limit of 128 elements for an array. But recently I've tried something unthinkable. I defined an array as property and was able to create more than 128 elements. It was, of course, for science. That lead me to a question, is there really a limitation of 128, or such array will be unable to operate with positions, which index is greater than 127 ??

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Array > 128 I wish, just checked and Add/Get ...


error: Array has 128 elements out of a maximum of 128 and cannot be expanded to add 1 more items


error: Array index 128 is out of range (0-127)


edit to add DIY

Function TestArraySize()

Int[] iArray = new Int[0]
Int iIndex = 0 

While iIndex < 256
	Debug.Trace ("SKK_MainScript.TestArraySize() Add " + iIndex)
	iIndex +=1

iIndex = 0 
While iIndex < 256
	Debug.Trace ("SKK_MainScript.TestArraySize() Get " + iArray[iIndex])
	iIndex +=1



Edited by SKK50
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Good to know, my depiction of the world hasn't been changed! ))


I asked that in the first place because of what I did with the properties and it confused me a bit. Here. No warnings or errors.







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Sorry if this is hijacking, but can someone explain what a reference collection is? The CK wiki only seems to have a single page on it with basic info: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RefCollectionAlias_Script


Is it basically a fancy array of ObjectReferences that works like an Alias?


How does indexing work? E.g. if I have a RefCollectionAlias myRCA with the following refs:


Index 0: myObjRef1

Index 1: myObjRef2

Index 2: myObjRef3


...then I do "myRCA.Remove(myObjRef2)", will myObjRef3 have an index of 2 or 1?

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Sorry if this is hijacking, but can someone explain what a reference collection is? The CK wiki only seems to have a single page on it with basic info: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=RefCollectionAlias_Script


Is it basically a fancy array of ObjectReferences that works like an Alias?


How does indexing work? E.g. if I have a RefCollectionAlias myRCA with the following refs:


Index 0: myObjRef1

Index 1: myObjRef2

Index 2: myObjRef3


...then I do "myRCA.Remove(myObjRef2)", will myObjRef3 have an index of 2 or 1?


I believe the easiest way to think about is to think of it like a FormList. Doing a Remove() on the RefCollection will shift all the index ids just like doing it on an array or a formlist.

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