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My Chararcter's Backstory


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I was just making a small journal for my character in the Creation Kit, and found that i've spent 2.5 hours on it and I am actually quite pleased with it. It gives a good backstory as to why my character is arrested by the Imperials and wanted to get your views on it (It can get a bit graphic in a few places):


16th of Midyear, 4E 201

Father has encouraged me to start writing a journal during our travels, so I am. I don't really know what to write about. Maybe I'll see something to write about soon.



20th of Midyear, 4E 201

Father has finished his trades in The Imperial City, and says we're heading up to Skyrim, I've never been there before but father was born there, he says it's a nice place if "You can get over the smell of Mammoth crap", his words. I can't wait to see it, I wanna see The Throat of the World first!


We also met up with a caravan of Khajiit traders that are also heading up to Skyrim, they offered to let us to travel with them, but father declined. He doesn't seem to like them, keeps calling them "silver-tongued thieves, could charm a miser into giving up their last coin" one of them certainly charmed me, his name was something like Karhnibrer, not sure how to spell it. He was very nice and told me a lot about his homeland and his many travels. I find it fascinating, I'd love to go to Elsweyr someday.



21st of Midyear, 4E 201

We set off towards Bruma today, it'll be our last stop in Cyrodil before heading into Skyrim. I didn't get to see much of the country-side, I stayed in the carriage for most of the day, think I'm coming down with something.



23nd of Midyear, 4E 201

I had thought we'd be heading off to Skyrim today (I'm so excited!), but father says we're going to be staying in Bruma for a few more days, I asked him if he's selling stuff but he just ignored me and walked off.


Saw a Nord guy hitting a Wood-Elf, calling her a prostitute, I think she dropped his firewood. The guy was beating her hard, I told the guards but they didn't give a s***. I tried to stop the guy myself, he called me a stupid *censored*, telling me to mind my own business. I punched him in the jaw (I swear I heard something brake), he pissed off saying how I'll regret it.


The girl said her name was Eliara. After she stopped thanking me, I got her a flaggon of Mead at the Inn. She's really nice, she came here to be the town bard, but people just treat her like a slave instead, she says I'm the closest thing she's had to a friend for a while, I encouraged her to try to go somewhere better, maybe come with us. We had a few more drinks and before I knew it, we were making out behind the inn. I took her back to the carriage (father was still away) she told me she had never been with a girl before, I was more than happy to instruct her.



24rd of Midyear, 4E 201

Eliara wasn't with me when I was woken up by father (I'm glad, I don't know what he would do if he saw me with her). Father was scared, more scared than I've ever seen him! He told me to get dressed, we're leaving (he was really scaring me). Before I knew it, we were moving fast. I climbed to the top of the carriage and saw Eliara behind us as we went passed the gate, she smiled and waved, I waved back.


I asked father what was going on, all he said was:

"No time, we've got to get out of here!", he handed me the reins and jumped in the back, grabbing the crossbow and loading it! I heard shouting coming from behind, seven guys on horseback (including an Orc) we're chasing us, father shot at them, only taking out two.


The Orc came along side us whilst father was reloading and threw an axe into one of the horses, as it fell down dead, the whole carriage went with it, rolling over. I was thrown from carriage as it rolled and got knocked out.


I woke up in a dark cell, completely naked, all that was with me was this Journal. I screamed and shouted, eventually someone opened the door at the far end of the room, it was the Orc. I covered myself with my hands, he said something about father owing them money, and asking if I knew where it was; when I told him I didn't, he said father will tell him where it is, with the right methods (he was gonna hurt him, badly)! He told me I could stop him hurting him. He looked at my body, licking his lips and taking down his pants.


I had little choice as he grabbed my head. I don't want to talk about what happened next. After, he told me he may let me live as his slave and left, locking my cage as he went. I feel like killing myself.



25th of Midyear, 4E 201

The Orc came back, he didn't say anything just grabbed me and brought me with him, he grabbed my arm so hard, his hands are like a vice. We came into this large room, I counted 9 other guys in the room and father chained up to a wall. One of the men made my father watch as the rest grabbed me and groped me. Father screamed telling them about a tree outside Bruma (maybe where he hid their money), the Orc thanked him, then told the others to carry on. I tried to think of other things and block out what was happening.


The Orc sent me back to my cage, but he forgot to lock it. I heard them leave, probably to check that tree. So I escaped from my cage. As I opened the door to the main room slightly and peered through, I saw only one guy with his back to my door taunting my now awake father, I snuck up on the guy, pulled out his own sword and before he knew what was happening, I stuck it through him, I spat on his body as he fell. I then helped my father down.


His legs were broken and was wounded from the crash, he said he wasn't going to make it. Before he died he pointed at his sword the bandits had taken from him, he asked me to kill them for what they had done to me and find the tree outside bruma, he told me exactly where, it had neary 5000 Gold in a chest next to it, "enough to make a new life" he said. I told him I loved him, and he said the same to me, and passed onto Sovngarde. I cried over his body.


I took the bandits clothes, my father's sword and this journal. Before I left I looked over at his body and said I would come back.



26th of Midyear, 4E 201

I found the gold father left for me and killed some of the bandits who killed him, including the Orc who I made suffer the most (I cut off his dick and made him choke to death on it. The rest fled toward Skyrim, I will hunt them all down. But first I had to see to father's funeral.


I collected his body from the bandit camp, and returned to Bruma. I paid for a pyre at the chapel. Eliara wasn't in Bruma anymore, the tavern keeper told me she decided to head to Chorrol, I'm glad she could get away. No one came to my father's funeral, I said my goodbyes and wished to see him soon in Sovngarde.


I then packed up on essentials (food, water), some better fitting armour, a bow and some arrows (I had always been good with a bow) and I bought a horse from the stables. I then set off toward Skyrim.



15th of Last Seed, 4E 201

Sorry I haven't been writing for a while, I've been very busy hunting those bandits. They split up after I killed the Orc and it's been hell trying to find them. I still haven't even got to Skyrim! But now I'm worried this may be my final entry. I managed to find the last bandit at an Inn just outside Skyrim. When I stepped into his view, he recognised me instantly, he started begging for his pathetic life, I decided instead to just cut his throat with my dagger from across the table.


Unfortunately just as his head dropped onto the table, two Imperial soldiers walked through the door seeing what I had just done they told me to stop and tried to arrest me. I panicked and ran for it, knocking them over.


Now I'm hiding in the Forest while what sounds like a whole platoon is looking for me. I'm not sure if I'll get out of this one. So if I don't get another chance to write in here, I just wanted to say: Thanks journal, it's been a good ride; I probably would have gone mad by now if it wasn't for you. Looking back through the pages, I can't believe that not long ago I didn't even know what I would write about in here.




PS: If anyone else is reading this: What the hell is wrong with you? This is my personal journal!


So, what do you guys think?

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