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Fly Away


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Still messing around with the perspective change and what not, critique is well appreciated!! ^^


These are two characters of mine that Im messing around with on T.P.P on DeviantART, so I hope yall enjoy them also ^^.








It was a harsh summers day in a sleepy old town out in the middle of no where. This town was high in the plains out in the North-West, making it freezing in the winters and unbearable in the summers. A young small girl lived out in one of the ranches and had been working all morning and well into the summers night. Makina was 22 and still lived with her father out on his land as her older brothers and mother died when she was just a young girl, so to help him out she stayed, though the whole town knew hoe bad she wanted out. Makina pushed open the door to the small house, and saw her father passed out in an old lazy-boy chair, left hand with a remote to the TV set, and the other with an empty bottle of beer. “Daddy, I wish you would stop this” Makina mumbled under her breath while cleaning up a pile of bottles and cans, all empty of the poison that took hold of him from sun rise to sun set. He didn’t care of the brand, he just wanted what they all could bring the mind washing that would 'ease' his pain and heartache.

“What you say girl?” James, Makina's father, woke and lazily lifted his head up to look down at her on the ground. His brown eyes were glazed over and his eyelids were lazy. Shaking Makina looked into these eyes, fearing of what he could do, and what he wold do.

“Nu-Nuthin Daddy. I didn’t say anything.” A sharp pain fell landed on her cheek, some how her father still seem to keep some of his strength will intoxicated, but she knew it was only his upper body, he lacked the strength to run or even walk. Shaking she was hit with another blow to her face. Crying and stumbling Makina ran for the door out to the land. And off the porch she ran, ran right for the woods, right to her safe place.




On the other side of this old town out in the middle of no where was another family, who also owned a ranch. This family was a strong family a hard working family a friendly family. All the members seemed to get along well; all but one, Leo. Leo was a distance kind of person, although the people of the town knew he hadn’t always been like this. He used to be a charming outgoing boy, now he was quiet and deep in his thoughts all the time, or at least put on a face like he was. Like all summer nights, Leo would sneak out of the house to meadow in the woods. The trees were far enough apart that there was a huge gaping whole for one to gaze up into the starry nights. And every night, this is where Leo would be, in his safe place away from every one, by himself. This night he stayed out longer than he normally would, and the sleepy haze of the night grew on him, making him drift in to a deep, deep sleep.


SNAP! Leo jumped to his feet, fearing that someone had found his haven. That some one was soiling his safe place. Frantically he scanned the tree line, oddly the trees seemed smaller, and more distant than he remembered last night. Last Night?! Leo thought to himself. Father is going to kill me! He started to run to the trees, trying to think of a explanation along the way. That’s when he realized something he hadn’t before, something that was amazing, but also very terrifying. He was high above the ground, he was hovering over the ground, he had wings that were just barely touching the ground. In shock Leo drifted to the ground, looking in awe at his wings. They were long and felt soft like feathers, in fact they were made of feathers. Some were as big as his hand some larger and some smaller than the tip of his pinkie finger. He petted his wings in disbelief, sending chills of joy up and down his spine. Smiling he unfurled his wings wider, letting their grandness sweep over the meadow. Laughing he balled his hands into fists held his arms out looked up to the morning sky, and shot his arms back down, sending him flying into the sky, into the clouds, like a god.





Makina woke up in a strange place. The woods looked the same and seemed the same, but they felt different, they didn’t feel so, safe. Alarmed at her unsettling feeling in her stomach she jumped to her feet. She knew it, she knew something was different, from her safe place she could always see her little farm house. Now there were nothing but trees, trees, and more trees. Big thick trees they were, Larger than the ones back home she thought. The arms stretched to greet each other almost as if they were holding hands. Big green vines hung from the arms down to the woods floors, pink, purple, red, blue, and yellow flowers grew on these vines. Makina walked around this place for some reason unafraid of it. She climbed over big tree roots and shied away from the big puddles of murky water. Eventually she wander over to a meadow which held a curious thing. It held a boy that she knew from back home Leo she thought, but it cant be, could it? She inched further careful not to wake Leo, of who ever it was. SNAP! Makina fell to the ground terrified at the beast that was in the meadow. It couldn’t be Leo, for Leo didn’t have wings nor could he ever have wings. Lifting her head up from behind the tree root she feel behind she saw his beauty. But before she could muster up the courage to go to this beast he was gone, leaving a loud swoosh sound and sending a powerful wind through the trees. Leaping up, Makina ran to the meadow to see where he went, finding him no longer in the sky she sat down, lost deep in thought. Where am I Makina thought, suddenly tears trailing down her face. For she was free from her father, and that she was over joyed, but she was lost in someplace, with no idea what to do or where to turn. So she sat, hopeful that the beast, that amazing creature would come back, so she wouldn't be alone.


It wasn’t long before he came back, soaring in the sky and landing to the ground with a powerful force. It was the shaking ground that woke Makina up, then the powerful wind that almost over turned her. Spinning around she looked up at the unwanted alarm clock. Trembling she saw that it was the beast she saw not too long ago, the one that instilled fear into her core, but also stroked the cord of curiosity that laid over her heart. “What are you doing here?!” the beast cried out to her, sending her scampering away as best as her now weak body would let her. He didn’t like this as he shot out to her his face inches from hers. His breathing was heavy, his nostrils were flaring and his golden eyes were in flames. “What are you...” before he could finish Makina breathed out a Leo. His face twisted in confusion then paled that someone had found him, that knew him and that he didn’t know.

“Leo, your an..an...an angel.” Makina could only whisper out the words, for she was still shaking down to her very core even though she felt some what safe with him. Slowly Leo stood up from her, and backed up as he watched the girl shaking, stand to her feet.

“Who are you?” Leo asked.

“You don’t know? We do live in the same town, you know out in the middle of no where?” She gave a small small that faded when Leo still held a blank face. Sighing she looked up at him and told him that she was Makina, and a small pang of hurt rippled in her when he still didn’t know who she was.




Makina, Makina, why does that sound familiar? Leo thought to himself. But still, nothing he still had no idea who she was, or why she was here. He walked around her and sure enough she had wings, but they were not like his. Hers were more elegant. Reaching out he touched one, feeling the silkiness of them.


Makina watched as he circled her, then suddenly felt an odd sensation run over her body, whipping around she faced him, staring him hard in his eyes. She noticed that his eyes were elsewhere, beyond her, so she turned to look also. She was greeted by a surprise, beautiful shear wings spread from her back. Reaching to them they came forward to greet her hand, making her smile like a little school girl. They were long and elegant, they seemed to be made of silk and not feathers like Leos. They were also lighter than his and didn’t spread as far.




Leo watched as this Makina, smiled at the feeling of her wings. “Feels good don’t it,” Leo asked. She smiled back at him a small light of laughter lighting up in her gray-green eyes. Her long reddish blonde hair fell to her waist and had a lovely complement to her pale porcelain skin. He ran his fingers through his dark brown hair that seemed to blend into his golden tan. He watched as her small fingers reached out to touch his wings, to see if they felt the same. He had a flutter of joy when he saw her grin break into a smile. “That’s not even the best part” Leo said proudly.




Makina looked up at him. How could there be anything better? she thought. She watched as his wings unfurled all the way and a proud and yet playful smile spread amongst his face, bringing out a small dimple. Makina followed suite and unfurled her wings, and before she knew it she was soaring in the sky. She broke a cloud and giggled at the coolness of it. Leo was under her spinning around and doing flips, showing off like most guys would. The sun beamed off his wings making them have a glow a bold contrast against his beautiful tan. Leo turned upside down to see if she was watching, Makina quickly hid her face in her long hair the was blowing behind her untamed. Laughing the two flew all day and into the night.


Eventually the two became tired and needed sleep, as the meadow was the only place that could hold Leos new found wings, the two raced there. The two laughed while pushing and shoving their way to the meadow, wanting to be the first. Leo swept under Makina as she landed sending the two tossing and tumbling into the meadow. They sat and laughed and talked under the starry sky. Leo told Makina of all the constellations and their stories. Soon they fell into the topic of themselves, the giddiness of the day now long gone and now replaced with solemness. Silence crept up on the two, sending each deep into their own thoughts. A small tear ran down Makinas face, not wanting the dream or their world to fade, and wishing and hoping what ever they were in would last. Slowly the two drifted off back into a a sleepy haze.





SNAP! Leo shot up off the meadow ground, reaching over to Makina, but she wasn’t there. Leo looked into the brush and a small fawn and doe came out of the woods, pale moonlight bouncing off their skin. Leo leaned back into the grass and looked back at the sky above him Could it really have been only a dream?




Makina ran home after waking in the woods. She ran inside and grabbed her boots and keys yelling out to her father she would be back soon. Jumping in her truck she drove hard and fast to the town, her father was out of beer and he would not be happy when he woke up. “As if he ever is”, Makina said to herself. At the store she saw him and he saw her. Their eyes locked to each other. Slowly Makina walked to him, to see if he was real or if she was still dreaming.

“Was it real,” Leo asked, a hopeful light in his eyes. Smiling Makina nodded her head and threw her arms around him. Embracing the two found a friendship that would last. One that would last beyond all their dreams and help strengthen them in the hard times. Every night the two would soar over the world where no one and nothing could touch them.

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