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Editing Fallout 4 ini files to install mods question


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I've never had to do that after editing the ini files at all. But just letting you know that some mods do need to have a new game start and some mods may need to be installed after you leave the vault or otherwise it won't work.


But to tell you the truth I've never had to start a new game at all because of the reasons of editing the ini files at all and I use a save game cleaner tool as well to remove unwanted mod stuff left behind in the save file of the mod that I uninstalled.


Have a good day and cheers.

Edited by ZeroProdigy3k
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In general, you shouldn't need to start a new game. The key words are "in general" because most .ini changes won't cause problems if changed mid-game. But certain .ini changes (once such line that comes to mind is uGridsToLoad=) do get baked into your save and can potentially break your game if you alter them mid-game without taking some precautionary steps.


Don't change anything in your .ini unless you have a good reason to and you are certain you understand what it actually does. If you are unsure what a specific setting does, use the Googles to research them or ask here in the forums. And ALWAYS backup your .ini files and saves before making changes.


There may be others besides uGridsToLoad= that can cause problems if changed mid-game. That's the only one I know of that is reported to for certain.

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