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Crusader like sword for Berserk's Black Swordsman Armor


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I'm using the Black Swordsman ingame but couldn't find a matching 2handed sword for it!


But so far, none of the mod I came across were suiting my needs, not even Jaysus sword mods.


SO I thought, mayby you guys could help me out!


I'm a big fan of Isilermiel's LOTR Glamdring mod, but unfortunately, it's only 1handed




So mayby a 2handed version of it would be nice! And it would be even better if the blade resembled the Iron Greatsword a bit, not in meshes, but in shape. A big and heavy blade that really seems intimidating!


So let me know if someone has some free time for it


It must remain lore-friendly if possible :)

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