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FO4 Sanctuary: A few minor changes


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Ill start by saying that the purpose of this post is to better shape around the mod "sim settlements" - not in an official capacity but in a sort of unrelated one...


what i mean by that is, Sanctuary has several plots... several standing homes, some collapsed ones that can be scrapped and a very appreciated amount of open space that i take advantage of to the best of my abilities. while sanctuary as it stands is good, it could be better - especially later down the road when the settlement starts to expand at roughly 14 - 18 people.


as you can well imagine by this point that's alot of space to be occupied, of which i can easily find places to squeeze people in comfortably, however there are spaces where i could do so better and even have some room to breath.


I'm not very good with the creation kit, I've tried a few times and im still picking up bits and pieces and experimenting with it from time to time. However... if someone were to be able to swap out Some of the standing buildings I've indicated by the "Red X's" down below with the collapsed models i could scrap i would appreciate this very much. thank you.



Images: (unfortunatly i couldnt quite attatch them to this post so ive uploaded them instead)




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