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Oblivion Verisimilitude 3.0


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Alright, I'm working on the 3.0 version of the Oblivion verisimilitude mod, and I've made some rather massive changes since the 2.0 version. Levelling is now greatly reduced. So much so you might not even notice its existence.


The level lists normally controlling the presence of creatures in quests now provide a set "difficulty" for the quest and do not take the player's level into account. For instance, the quest "Amelion's Debt" is now a level 7 quest, so enemies up to level 7 will appear. Dungeon level lists may now spawn any creature at any time, but the odds of a high-level encounter increase as your level increases, although the weakest possible result is always the most likely. Road level lists now have a 90% chance none, can spawn any creature at any level, and usually spawn a group. For instance, you may never see an enemy on a trip, or be mauled by an entire pack of wolves. Wilderness level lists have a 95% chance, but spawn much larger groups. Finally, individual creatures and NPCs are never levelled and will always have the exact same stats regardless of the player's level.


In addition to removing the levelling of actors, the game also reduces the levelling of their weapons and equipment. Some NPCs still have level lists for weapons and equipment, and always for spells, but most now have special lists that randomize their equipment based on their role, level and faction without taking the player's level into account. For generic enemies, the faction dictates what cuirass they wear, and what possible equipment they can use. Their faction is rated as "easy," "medium" or "hard." This determines the quality of equipment available, and their factions role determines the type. They will always use a cuirass that is considered medium grade for their faction, but the rest is random. They have a 50% chance of using armour of this grade, a 25% chance of using armour one grade lower, and a 25% chance of using armour one grade higher. As for weapons, they have four possible quality grades depending on the faction's difficulty. They have a 40% chance of using the weakest variety, a 30% chance of second weakest, a 20% chance of second strongest and a 10% chance of strongest. Bosses are different. The fixed quality equipment, such as their cuirass, is the same. The rest will always produce the best possible result.

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