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Game gets choppy and starts CTD'ing


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I haven't found old discussion on my exact problem, so here goes:


The game ran smoothly on my PC on ultra settings and 100+ mods + SKSE. There was an occasional CTD, but that's "normal".


Then at some point, I apparently cleared one dungeon too many, since it suddenly started freezing for a couple of seconds every minute or so. I loaded an old save before entering that dungeon, and it worked again. I tried clearing another dungeon, and same result. I kept playing with the short freeze-ups, and soon it CTD'd almost at every opportunity. Curious of what would happen next, I managed to continue the game, and soon the textures started glitching, the followers walked in place and couldn't be reset/recovered, and it CTD'd on the spot without exiting buildings or fast travelling.


Some resource gets consumed and runs out?


I disabled Steam's online mode. I turned graphics down. I deleted most save files. I tried running without SKSE. I did pcb (purge cell buffer). CPU and memory consumption in control panel are acceptable. It's none of those...


Could some mod be eating up ... what?





Edit: One possibility is SKSE bug when there are "too many" save files. Discussion here: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/12604?tab=posts


I have decided to do a clean install since I've hopelessly broken the game trying to fix it, so can no longer verify the hypothesis. "Better luck next time", eh?

Edited by Hiskias
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