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Is the mod you created visible in your screenshots?


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While looking for outfits and armor for SSE, I've noticed a trend in the screen shots. Very often (about half the time) the screenshots are in locations with poor lighting, making it impossible to see clearly the work that was done. In some cases, the locations are obviously chosen because the backgrounds are some of the striking locations that we all love, or the modder's favorite new location. While there is nothing wrong with this practice, please remember the following things when posting the screenshots:


1) If you're showcasing clothing, weapons, armor, new body/face or character (follower or face-gen preset, etc.) mods, the background is of minimal importance. The main focus of the shot should be the mod you're directly advertising.


2) Think like a fashion photographer. Regardless what settings you enjoy playing in, your objective is to show clearly the clothing/armor, etc. Increase your light settings, or place your character in a location with higher light values, and make sure the character is not back-lit (light source on the opposite side of the character from the camera).


3) Remember that not everyone sets their brightness, contrast, etc. at the same levels, so make sure before you upload your image that it has been adjusted for maximum clarity, to support individual settings of viewers.


I suggest these things both for my own sake, and also so that the awesome hard work that you modders put into these mods will be obvious to those who are considering downloading them.


Thank you all for your hard work (even if I haven't personally downloaded any of your mods - you still enrich the content available)!

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